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Journal Articles
Elman H.  2005.  Preconditioning strategies for models of incompressible flow. Journal of Scientific Computing. 25(1):347-366.
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Vardhanabhuti S, Wang J, Hannenhalli S.  2007.  Position and distance specificity are important determinants of cis-regulatory motifs in addition to evolutionary conservation. Nucleic Acids Research. 35(10):3203-3213.
Yue Z, Chellappa R.  2005.  Pose-normalized view synthesis from silhouettes. IEEE Intl. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP).
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Park S, O'Leary DP.  2010.  Portfolio Selection Using Tikhonov Filtering to Estimate the Covariance Matrix. SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics. 1:932-961.
