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Conference Papers
Cheng H-C, Cardone A, Varshney A.  2017.  Interactive exploration of microstructural features in gigapixel microscopy images. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing.
Regli WC, Gupta SK, Nau DS.  1995.  Interactive feature recognition using multi-processor methods.
Fekete J-D, Plaisant C.  2002.  Interactive information visualization of a million items. Information Visualization, 2002. INFOVIS 2002. IEEE Symposium on. :117-124.
Hao X, Baby T, Varshney A.  2003.  Interactive subsurface scattering for translucent meshes. Proceedings of the 2003 symposium on Interactive 3D graphics. :75-82.
desJardins M, MacGlashan J, Ferraioli J.  2007.  Interactive visual clustering. Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Intelligent user interfaces. :361-364.
Varshney A, Brooks FP, Wright WV.  1994.  Interactive visualization of weighted three-dimensional alpha hulls. Proceedings of the tenth annual symposium on Computational geometry. :395-396.
Hutchinson HB, Rose A, Bederson BB, Weeks AC, Druin A.  2005.  The International Children’s Digital Library: A Case Study in Designing for a MultiLingual. Multi-Cultural, Multi-Generational Audience. Information Technology and Libraries.
Scholtz JC, Muller M, Novick D, Olsen, Jr. DR, Shneiderman B, Wharton C.  1999.  An international SIGCHI research agenda. CHI '99 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems. :171-171.
Iwerks GS, Samet H.  2003.  The internet spatial spreadsheet: enabling remote visualization of dynamic spatial data and ongoing query results over a network. Proceedings of the 11th ACM international symposium on Advances in geographic information systems. :154-160.
Edjlali G, Sussman A, Saltz J.  1997.  Interoperability of data parallel runtime libraries. IPPS. :451-451.
Raschid L, Chang Y, Dorr BJ.  1993.  Interoperable query processing with multiple heterogeneous knowledge servers. Proceedings of the second international conference on Information and knowledge management. :461-470.
Atalay FB, Mount D.  2003.  Interpolation over light fields with applications in computer graphics. Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments. :56-68.
Kociolek M, Brady M, Bajcsy P, Cardone A.  2018.  Interpolation-Based Gray-Level Co-Occurrence Matrix Computation for Texture Directionality Estimation. IEEE 22nd Signal Processing Algorithms, Architectures, Arrangements, and Applications Conference.
Doermann D, Rosenfeld A.  1993.  The Interpretation and Recognition of Interfering Strokes. IWFHR. :41-50.
Baykal N, Reggia JA, Yalabik N, Erkmen A, Beksac MS.  1994.  Interpretation of Doppler blood flow velocity waveforms using neural networks.. Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Computer Application in Medical Care. :865-865.
Mount D.  1992.  Intersection detection and separators for simple polygons. Proceedings of the eighth annual symposium on Computational geometry. :303-311.
Zhou S, Chellappa R, Moghaddam B.  2004.  Intra-personal kernel space for face recognition. Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, 2004. Proceedings. Sixth IEEE International Conference on. :235-240.
Brooks PA, Memon AM.  2009.  Introducing a test suite similarity metric for event sequence-based test cases. Software Maintenance, 2009. ICSM 2009. IEEE International Conference on. :243-252.
Landau GM, Vishkin U.  1986.  Introducing efficient parallelism into approximate string matching and a new serial algorithm. Proceedings of the eighteenth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing. :220-230.
Roussopoulos N, Leifker D.  1984.  An introduction to PSQL: A pictorial structured query language. Proc. IEEE Workshop on Visual Languages. :77-87.
Cukier M, Lyons J, Pandey P, Ramasamy HV, Sanders WH, Pal P, Webber F, Schantz R, Loyall J, Watro R.  2001.  Intrusion tolerance approaches in ITUA. 64
Biswas S, Aggarwal G, Chellappa R.  2006.  Invariant Geometric Representation of 3D Point Clouds for Registration and Matching. Image Processing, 2006 IEEE International Conference on. :1209-1212.
Easley GR, Patel VM, Healy Jr DM.  2009.  Inverse halftoning using a shearlet representation. Proceedings of SPIE. 7446:74460C-74460C.
Guha ML, Druin A, Fails JA.  2010.  Investigating the impact of design processes on children. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children. :198-201.
Ananthanarayanan A, Thamire C, Gupta SK.  2007.  Investigation of Revolute Joint Clearances Created by an In-Mold Assembly Process. :112-117.
