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Conference Papers
Furr M, Foster JS.  2005.  Checking type safety of foreign function calls. ACM SIGPLAN Notices. 40:62-72.
Schmidt JP, Siegel A, Srinivasan A.  1993.  Chernoff-Hoeffding bounds for applications with limited independence. Proceedings of the fourth annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete algorithms. :331-340.
Khan A, Bartram L, Blevis E, DiSalvo C, Froehlich J, Kurtenbach G.  2011.  CHI 2011 sustainability community invited panel: challenges ahead. 2011 annual conference extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems. :73-76.
Shneiderman B, Card S, Norman DA, Tremaine M, Waldrop MM.  2002.  CHI@20: fighting our way from marginality to power. CHI '02 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems. :688-691.
Druin A, Weeks A, Massey S, Bederson BB.  2007.  Children's interests and concerns when using the international children's digital library: a four-country case study. Proceedings of the 7th ACM/IEEE-CS joint conference on Digital libraries. :167-176.
Druin A, Foss E, Hutchinson H, Golub E, Hatley L.  2010.  Children's roles using keyword search interfaces at home. Proceedings of the 28th international conference on Human factors in computing systems. :413-422.
Fails JA, Druin A, Guha ML, Chipman G, Simms S, Churaman W.  2005.  Child's play: a comparison of desktop and physical interactive environments. Proceedings of the 2005 conference on Interaction design and children. :48-55.
Hill JH, Schmidt DC, Porter A, Slaby JM.  2008.  CiCUTS: Combining System Execution Modeling Tools with Continuous Integration Environments. Engineering of Computer-Based Systems, IEEE International Conference on the. :66-75.
Perlis D.  1987.  Circumscription as introspection. Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Methodologies for intelligent systems. :440-444.
Burnett S, Feamster N, Vempala S.  2010.  Circumventing censorship with collage. Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2010 conference. :471-472.
Resnik P.  1992.  A class-based approach to lexical discovery. Proceedings of the 30th annual meeting on Association for Computational Linguistics. :327-329.
Weinshall D, Jacobs DW, Gdalyahu Y.  1999.  Classification in non-metric spaces. Proceedings of the 1998 conference on Advances in neural information processing systems II. :838-844.
Shin C, Doermann D.  1999.  Classification of Document Page Images. SDIUT99. :166-175.
Leon J-C, De Floriani L, Hetroy F.  2009.  Classification of non-manifold singularities from transformations of 2-manifolds. Shape Modeling and Applications, 2009. SMI 2009. IEEE International Conference on. :179-184.
Vaswani N, Chellappa R.  2004.  Classification probability analysis of principal component space analysis. Pattern Recognition, 2004. ICPR 2004. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on. 1:240-243Vol.1-240-243Vol.1.
Chen M, Wu M, Zheng Y.  2003.  Classification-based spatial error concealment for images. Image Processing, 2003. ICIP 2003. Proceedings. 2003 International Conference on. 2:II-675-8vol.3-II-675-8vol.3.
Prasad VSN, Siddiquie B, Golbeck J, Davis LS.  2007.  Classifying Computer Generated Charts. Content-Based Multimedia Indexing, 2007. CBMI '07. International Workshop on. :85-92.
Brown Q, Bonsignore E, Hatley L, Druin A, Walsh G, Foss E, Brewer R, Hammer J, Golub E.  2010.  Clear Panels: a technique to design mobile application interactivity. Proceedings of the 8th ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems. :360-363.
Zhao L, Davis LS.  2005.  Closely coupled object detection and segmentation. Computer Vision, 2005. ICCV 2005. Tenth IEEE International Conference on. 1:454-461.
Neamtiu I., Dumitras T.  2011.  Cloud software upgrades: Challenges and opportunities. 2011 International Workshop on the Maintenance and Evolution of Service-Oriented and Cloud-Based Systems (MESOCA) . :1-10.
Jeffrey SF.  1996.  CLP (SC): Implementation and efficiency considerations». Proceedings of the Workshop on Set Constraints, held in Conjunction with CP’96, Boston, Massachusetts.
Andrews M, Shepherd B, Srinivasan A, Winkler P, Zane F.  2002.  Clustering and server selection using passive monitoring. IEEE INFOCOM 2002. Twenty-First Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies. Proceedings. 3:1717-1725vol.3-1717-1725vol.3.
Basri R, Roth D, Jacobs DW.  1998.  Clustering appearances of 3D objects. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 1998. Proceedings. 1998 IEEE Computer Society Conference on. :414-420.
Danovaro E, De Floriani L, Puppo E, Samet H.  2005.  Clustering Techniques for Out-of-Core Multi-resolution Modeling. Visualization Conference, IEEE. :113-113.
Agrawal M, Doermann D.  2009.  Clutter Noise Removal in Binary Document Images. International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR '09). :556-560.
