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Zelkowitz MV.  2012.  What have we learned about software engineering? Communications of the ACM. 55(2):38-39.
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Ricaldi JN, Fouts DE, Selengut JD, Harkins DM, Patra KP, Moreno A, Lehmann JS, Purushe J, Sanka R, Torres M et al..  2012.  Whole genome analysis of Leptospira licerasiae provides insight into leptospiral evolution and pathogenicity.. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 6(10):e1853.
Chetty M, Banks R, Brush A.J., Donner J, Grinter R.  2012.  You'Re Capped: Understanding the Effects of Bandwidth Caps on Broadband Use in the Home. SIGCHI '12. :3021-3030.
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Wobbrock JO, Kane SK, Gajos KZ, Harada S, Froehlich J.  2011.  Ability-based design: Concept, principles and examples. ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing (TACCESS). 3(3)
Van Horn D, Might M.  2011.  Abstracting Abstract Machines: A Systematic Approach to Higher-Order Program Analysis. arXiv:1105.1743 [cs].
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Khan Z, Amini S, Bloom JS, Ruse C, Caudy AA, Kruglyak L, Singh M, Perlman DH, Tavazoie S.  2011.  Accurate proteome-wide protein quantification from high-resolution 15N mass spectra. Genome Biology. 12(12)
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Chen D, Bilgic M, Getoor L, Jacobs DW, Mihalkova L, Tom Yeh.  2011.  Active inference for retrieval in camera networks. Person-Oriented Vision (POV), 2011 IEEE Workshop on. :13-20.
Chen D, Bilgic M, Getoor L, Jacobs DW, Mihalkova L, Tom Yeh.  2011.  Active inference for retrieval in camera networks. Person-Oriented Vision (POV), 2011 IEEE Workshop on. :13-20.
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Yu X, Fermüller C, Teo C L, Yang Y, Aloimonos Y.  2011.  Active scene recognition with vision and language. 2011 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV). :810-817.
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Shakarian P, Parker A, Simari G, V.S. Subrahmanian.  2011.  Annotated probabilistic temporal logic. ACM Trans. Comput. Logic. 12(2):14:1–14:44-14:1–14:44.
