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Wang L, Deshpande A.  2008.  Predictive Modeling-Based Data Collection in Wireless Sensor Networks. Wireless Sensor NetworksWireless Sensor Networks. 4913:34-51.
Zheleva E, Getoor L.  2008.  Preserving the privacy of sensitive relationships in graph data. Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGKDD international conference on Privacy, security, and trust in KDD. :153-171.
Plaisant C, Fekete J-D, Grinstein G.  2008.  Promoting Insight-Based Evaluation of Visualizations: From Contest to Benchmark Repository. Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Transactions on. 14(1):120-134.
Pemmaraju S, Srinivasan A.  2008.  The Randomized Coloring Procedure with Symmetry-Breaking. Automata, Languages and ProgrammingAutomata, Languages and Programming. 5125:306-319.
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Nagarajan N, Read TD, Pop M.  2008.  Scaffolding and Validation of Bacterial Genome Assemblies Using Optical Restriction Maps. Bioinformatics. 24(10):1229-1235.
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Tom Yeh, Lee JJ, Darrell T.  2008.  Scalable classifiers for Internet vision tasks. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops, 2008. CVPRW'08. IEEE Computer Society Conference on. :1-8.
