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Conference Papers
Balzer R, Begeman M, Garg PK, Schwartz M, Shneiderman B.  1989.  Hypertext and software engineering. Proceedings of the second annual ACM conference on Hypertext. :395-396.
Zhao H, Plaisant C, Shneiderman B.  2005.  "I hear the pattern": interactive sonification of geographical data patterns. CHI '05 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems. :1905-1908.
Wyche SP, Chetty M.  2013.  "I Want to Imagine How That Place Looks": Designing Technologies to Support Connectivity Between Africans Living Abroad and Home. SIGCHI '13. :2755-2764.
Wang J, Oard D.  2002.  iCLEF 2001 at Maryland: comparing term-for-term gloss and MT. Evaluation of Cross-Language Information Retrieval Systems. :167-235.
He D, Wang J, Luo J, Oard D.  2004.  iCLEF 2004 at Maryland: Summarization design for interactive cross-language question answering. Proceeding of Cross Language Evaluation Forum (CLEF2004).
Tom Yeh, Tollmar K, Darrell T.  2004.  IDeixis: image-based Deixis for finding location-based information. CHI '04 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems. :781-782.
Kondrak G, Dorr BJ.  2004.  Identification of confusable drug names: a new approach and evaluation methodology. Proceedings of the 20th international conference on Computational Linguistics.
Kale A, Rajagopalan AN, Cuntoor N, Krueger V, Chellappa R.  2002.  Identification of humans using gait. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing.
Botafogo RA, Shneiderman B.  1991.  Identifying aggregates in hypertext structures. Proceedings of the third annual ACM conference on Hypertext. :63-74.
Abd-Almageed W, Burns BJ, Davis LS.  2005.  Identifying and segmenting human-motion for mobile robot navigation using alignment errors. 12th International Conference on Advanced Robotics, 2005. ICAR '05. Proceedings. :398-403.
Baden R, Spring N, Bhattacharjee B.  2009.  Identifying close friends on the internet. Proc. of workshop on Hot Topics in Networks (HotNets-VIII).
Nakamura T, Hochstein L, Basili VR.  2006.  Identifying domain-specific defect classes using inspections and change history. Proceedings of the 2006 ACM/IEEE international symposium on Empirical software engineering. :346-355.
Namata, Jr. G MS, Getoor L.  2009.  Identifying graphs from noisy and incomplete data. Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGKDD Workshop on Knowledge Discovery from Uncertain Data. :23-29.
Jaeger S, Ma H, Doermann D.  2005.  Identifying Script on Word-Level with Informational Confidence. 8th Int. Conf. on Document Analysis and Recognition. :416-420.
Cardone A, Gupta SK, Karnik M.  2004.  Identifying similar parts for assisting cost estimation of prismatic machined parts. ASME Design for Manufacturing Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Kobla V, DeMenthon D, Doermann D.  2000.  Identifying Sports Videos using Replay, Text and Camera Motion Features. SPIE Conference on Storage and Retrieval for Image and Video Databases. :332-343.
Ball T, Kim JM, Porter A, Siy HP.  1997.  If your version control system could talk. ICSE Workshop on Process Modelling and Empirical Studies of Software Engineering.
Zhou S, Chellappa R.  2004.  Illuminating light field: image-based face recognition across illuminations and poses. Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, 2004. Proceedings. Sixth IEEE International Conference on. :229-234.
Patel VM, Wu T, Biswas S, Phillips PJ, Chellappa R.  2011.  Illumination robust dictionary-based face recognition. 2011 18th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP). :777-780.
Dorr BJ, Voss CR.  1994.  ILustrate: a MT Developers’ Tool with a Two-Component View of the Interlingua. in Proceedings of the First AMTA Conference. Columbia MD. :40-47.
McKay C, Swaminathan A, Gou H, M. Wu.  2008.  Image acquisition forensics: Forensic analysis to identify imaging source. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 2008. ICASSP 2008. IEEE International Conference on. :1657-1660.
Doermann D, Furuta R.  1993.  Image based typographic analysis of documents. Document Analysis and Recognition, 1993., Proceedings of the Second International Conference on. :769-773.
Grasso MA, Mokashi R, Dalvi D, Cardone A, Dima AA, Bhadriraju K, Plant AL, Brady M, Yesha Y, Yesha Y.  2010.  Image classification of vascular smooth muscle cells. Proceedings of the 1st ACM International Health Informatics Symposium. :484-486.
Swaminathan A, Mao Y, M. Wu.  2004.  Image hashing resilient to geometric and filtering operations. Multimedia Signal Processing, 2004 IEEE 6th Workshop on. :355-358.
Zhong S, Doermann D, Rosenfeld A.  1997.  Image Indexing with Minimum Adaptive Spatial Segmentation. Proceedings of VISUAL 1997.
