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Fushman D, Cahill S, Cowburn D.  1997.  The main-chain dynamics of the dynamin pleckstrin homology (PH) domain in solution: analysis of 15N relaxation with monomer/dimer equilibration. Journal of Molecular Biology. 266(1):173-194.
Stewart G.W.  1997.  On markov chains with sluggish transients. Communications in Statistics. Stochastic Models. 13(1):85-94.
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Heckbert P, Rossignac J, Hoppe H, Schroeder W, Soucy M, Varshney A.  1997.  Multiresolution surface modeling. SIGGRAPH 1997 Course Notes.
Etemad K, Doermann D, Chellappa R.  1997.  Multiscale Document Page Segmentation Using Soft Decision Integration. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. :92-96.
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Fekete SP, Khuller S, Klemmstein M, Raghavachari B, Young N.  1997.  A Network-Flow Technique for Finding Low-Weight Bounded-Degree Spanning Trees. Journal of Algorithms. 24(2):310-324.
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Bhattacharyya SS, America H.  1997.  Optimized software synthesis for synchronous dataflow. Proceedings of the ASAP97.
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Chang XC, Paige CC, Stewart G.W.  1997.  Perturbation analysis for the QR decomposition. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications. 18:775-791.
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Stewart G.W.  1997.  On the Perturbation of LU and Cholesky Factors. IMA Journal of Numerical AnalysisIMA J Numer Anal. 17(1):1-6.
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