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Doermann D, Furuta R.  1993.  Image based typographic analysis of documents. Document Analysis and Recognition, 1993., Proceedings of the Second International Conference on. :769-773.
Potter RL, Weldon LJ, Shneiderman B.  1993.  Improving the accuracy of touchscreens: an experimental evaluation of three strategies. Sparks of innovation in human-computer interaction. :161-161.
Dorr BJ, Raschid L.  1993.  Information mediation techniques for problem solving with multiple knowledge servers.
Dorr BJ.  1993.  Interlingual machine translation A parameterized approach. Artificial Intelligence. 63(1–2):429-492.
Raschid L, Chang Y, Dorr BJ.  1993.  Interoperable query processing with multiple heterogeneous knowledge servers. Proceedings of the second international conference on Information and knowledge management. :461-470.
Doermann D, Rosenfeld A.  1993.  The Interpretation and Recognition of Interfering Strokes. IWFHR. :41-50.
Gupta SK, Nau DS, Zhang GM.  1993.  Interpreting Product Designs for Manufacturability Evaluation. ISR; TR 1993-45
Sears A, REVIS DOREEN, SWATSKI JANET, CRITTENDEN ROB, Shneiderman B.  1993.  Investigating touchscreen typing: the effect of keyboard size on typing speed. Behaviour & Information Technology. 12(1):17-22.
O'Leary DP.  1993.  Iterative Methods for Finding the Stationary Vector for Markov Chains. Linear Algebra, Markov Chains, and Queuing ModelsLinear Algebra, Markov Chains, and Queuing Models. 48:125-136.
Huang C-M, O'Leary DP.  1993.  A Krylov multisplitting algorithm for solving linear systems of equations. Linear Algebra and its Applications. 194:9-29.
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Cho S, Reggia JA.  1993.  Learning competition and cooperation. Neural computation. 5(2):242-259.
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McFadden FE, Peng Y, Reggia JA.  1993.  Local conditions for phase transitions in neural networks with variable connection strengths. Neural networks. 6(5):667-676.
Perlis D.  1993.  Logic and Artificial Intelligence: A New Synthesis? ANNALES-SOCIETATIS MATHEMATICAE POLONAE SERIES 4. 18:297-297.
Doermann D, Rivlin E, Weiss I.  1993.  Logo Recognition. CS-TR-3145
Doermann D, Rivlin E, Weiss I.  1993.  Logo Recognition using Geomentric Invariants. ICDAR. :894-897.
Dorr BJ, Voss CR.  1993.  Machine Translation of Spatial Expressions: Defining the Relation betweenan Interlingua and a Knowledge Representation System. IN PROCEEDINGS OF TWELFTH CONFERENCE OF THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR ARTIFICIAL IN℡LIGENCE. :374-379.
Haritsa JR, Ball MO, Roussopoulos N, Datta A, Baras JS.  1993.  MANDATE: managing networks using database technology. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications. 11(9):1360-1372.
Dillencourt MB, Mount D, Saalfeld AJ.  1993.  On The Maximum Number of Intersections of Two Polyhedra in 2 and 3 Dimensions. Proceedings of the Fifth Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry, Waterloo, Ontario. :49-54.
Mount SM.  1993.  Messenger RNA splicing signals in Drosophila genes. Atlas of Drosophila Genes. :333-358.
Fermüller C.  1993.  Motion constraint patterns. , Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on Qualitative Vision, 1993. :128-139.
Cho S, Reggia JA.  1993.  Multiple disorder diagnosis with adaptive competitive neural networks. Artificial intelligence in medicine. 5(6):469-487.
Mosse D, Noh SH, Trinh B, Agrawala AK.  1993.  Multiple Resource Allocation for Multiprocessor Distributed Real-Time Systems. In Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Real-Time Systems (PDRTS), IEEE IPPS'93.
Reggia JA.  1993.  Neural computation in medicine. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. 5(2):143-157.
