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O'Leary DP, Stewart G.W.  1987.  From Determinacy to Systaltic Arrays. Computers, IEEE Transactions on. C-36(11):1355-1359.
Jacobs DW.  1987.  GROPER: A Grouping Based Object Recognition System for Two-Dimensional Objects. IEEE Workshop on Computer Vision. :164-169.
Perlis D.  1987.  How can a program mean. Proceedings of the 10th Int'l Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. :163-166.
Aloimonos Y, Shulman D.  1987.  Learning shape computations. Proc. DARPA Image.
Drapkin J, Miller M, Perlis D.  1987.  Life on a desert island. Proc. Workshop on The Frame Problem in Artificial Intelligence. :349-357.
Gross T, Sussman A.  1987.  Mapping a single-assignment language onto the Warp systolic array. Functional Programming Languages and Computer Architecture. :347-363.
Mark L, Roussopoulos N.  1987.  Meta-Data Management.. ISR-TR-1987-31
Reggia JA, Peng Y.  1987.  Modeling diagnostic reasoning: a summary of parsimonious covering theory. Computer methods and programs in biomedicine. 25(2):125-134.
O'Leary DP.  1987.  A note on the capacitance matrix algorithm, substructuring, and mixed or neumann boundary conditions. Applied Numerical Mathematics. 3(4):339-345.
Vishkin U.  1987.  An optimal parallel algorithm for selection. Parallel and Distributed Computing. 4:79-86.
Ghosh S K, Mount D.  1987.  An output sensitive algorithm for computing visibility graphs. Foundations of Computer Science, 1987., 28th Annual Symposium on. :11-19.
Landau G, Schieber B, Vishkin U.  1987.  Parallel construction of a suffix tree. Automata, Languages and Programming. :314-325.
O'Leary DP.  1987.  Parallel implementation of the block conjugate gradient algorithm. Parallel Computing. 5(1–2):127-139.
Dorr BJ.  1987.  Principle-Based Parsing for Machine Translation.
Peng Y, Reggia JA.  1987.  A probabilistic causal model for diagnostic problem solving (parts 1 and 2). IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. :146-162.
Reggia JA.  1987.  Properties of a competition-based activation mechanism in neuromimetic network models. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Neural Networks.
Miller M, Perlis D.  1987.  Proving self-utterances. Journal of Automated Reasoning. 3(3):329-338.
Vishkin U.  1987.  Randomized parallel speedups for list ranking* 1. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. 4(3):319-333.
De Floriani L.  1987.  Representations Based on Triangular Grids. The Vkual Computer. 3(27):27-50.
Basu A, Aloimonos Y.  1987.  A robust algorithm for determining the translation of a rigidly moving surface without correspondence, for robotics applications.
Sellis T, Roussopoulos N, Faloutsos C.  1987.  The R+-tree: A dynamic index for multi-dimensional data. Proceedings of VLDB 1987. :507-518.
Zelkowitz MV.  1987.  Selected reprints in software.
Mount SM.  1987.  Sequence similarity. Nature. 325(6104):487-487.
Chandran S, Mount D.  1987.  Shared memory algorithms and the medial axis transform. IEEE Workshop on Computer Architecture for PAMI. :44-50.
Spetsakis ME, Aloimonos Y.  1987.  Spatiotemporal blur paths for image flow estimation (A). Journal of the Optical Society of America A. 4:35-35.
