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Krishnamurthy S, Sanders WH, Cukier M.  2002.  An adaptive framework for tunable consistency and timeliness using replication. :17-26.
Ma H, Doermann D.  2004.  Adaptive Hindi OCRUsing Generalized Hausdorff Image Comparison. ACMTransactions on Asian Language Information Processing. 26(2):198-213.
Ma H, Doermann D.  2003.  Adaptive Hindi OCRUsing Generalized Hausdorff Image Comparison. LAMP-TR-105,CFAR-TR-987,CS-TR-4519,UMIACS-TR-2003-87
Hajiaghayi MT, Kleinberg R, Parkes DC.  2004.  Adaptive limited-supply online auctions. Proceedings of the 5th ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce. :71-80.
Zhuolin Jiang, Li S-F, Gao D-F.  2007.  An adaptive mean shift tracking method using multiscale images. Wavelet Analysis and Pattern Recognition, 2007. ICWAPR '07. International Conference on. 3:1060-1066.
Mahajan A, Mundur P, Joshi A.  2002.  Adaptive Multimedia System Architecture for Improving QoS inWireless Networks. Advances in Multimedia Information Processing—PCM 2002. :37-47.
Chandrachoodan N, Bhattacharyya SS, Liu KJR.  2001.  Adaptive negative cycle detection in dynamic graphs. Circuits and Systems, 2001. ISCAS 2001. The 2001 IEEE International Symposium on. 5:163-166.
Ma H, Doermann D.  2005.  Adaptive OCR with Limited User Feedback. 8th Int. Conf. on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR'05). :814-818.
Tsoumakos D, Roussopoulos N.  2006.  An adaptive probabilistic replication method for unstructured p2p networks. On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2006: CoopIS, DOA, GADA, and ODBASE. :480-497.
Tsoumakos D, Roussopoulos N.  2003.  Adaptive Probabilistic Search for Peer-to-Peer Networks. Peer-to-Peer Computing, IEEE International Conference on. :102-102.
Bright L, Gal A, Raschid L.  2006.  Adaptive pull-based policies for wide area data delivery. ACM Transactions on Database Systems (TODS). 31(2):631-671.
Krishnamurthy S, Sanders WH, Cukier M.  2003.  An adaptive quality of service aware middleware for replicated services. Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Transactions on. 14(11):1112-1125.
Deshpande A, Ives Z, Raman V.  2007.  Adaptive query processing. Foundations and Trends in Databases. 1(1):1-140.
Hellerstein JM, Franklin MJ, Chandrasekaran S, Deshpande A, Hildrum K, Madden S, Raman V, Shah MA.  2000.  Adaptive query processing: Technology in evolution. IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin. 23(2):7-18.
Deshpande A, Ives Z, Raman V.  2007.  Adaptive query processing: why, how, when, what next? Proceedings of the 33rd international conference on Very large data bases. :1426-1427.
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Gopalakrishnan V, Silaghi B, Bhattacharjee B, Keleher P.  2004.  Adaptive replication in peer-to-peer systems. Distributed Computing Systems, 2004. Proceedings. 24th International Conference on. :360-369.
Broadwater JB, Chellappa R.  2010.  Adaptive Threshold Estimation via Extreme Value Theory. Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on. 58(2):490-500.
Broadwater J, Chellappa R.  2006.  An Adaptive Threshold Method for Hyperspectral Target Detection. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 2006. ICASSP 2006 Proceedings. 2006 IEEE International Conference on. 5:V-V.
Karagol-Ayan B, Doermann D, Weinberg A.  2006.  Adaptive Transformation-based Learning for Improving Dictionary Tagging. Proceedings of the 11th Conference on European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics. :257-264.
Wang W, O'Leary DP.  2000.  Adaptive Use of Iterative Methods in Predictor-Corrector Interior Point Methods for Linear Programming. Numerical Algorithms. 25:387-406.
Zhou S, Chellappa R, Moghaddam B.  2003.  Adaptive visual tracking and recognition using particle filters. Multimedia and Expo, 2003. ICME '03. Proceedings. 2003 International Conference on. 2:II-349-52vol.2-II-349-52vol.2.
Tom Yeh, Lee J, Darrell T.  2007.  Adaptive Vocabulary Forests br Dynamic Indexing and Category Learning. Computer Vision, 2007. ICCV 2007. IEEE 11th International Conference on. :1-8.
Garay JA, Katz J, Kumaresan R, Zhou HS.  2011.  Adaptively secure broadcast, revisited. Proceedings of the 30th Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing.
Canetti R, Halevi S, Katz J.  2005.  Adaptively-secure, non-interactive public-key encryption. Theory of Cryptography. :150-168.
