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2009. A systematic approach for designing multifunctional thermally conducting polymer structures with embedded actuators. Journal of Mechanical Design. 131:111009-111009.
2009. System-level Clustering and Timing Analysis for GALS-based Dataflow Architectures. In Proceedings of the ACM International Workshop on Timing Issues in the Specification and Synthesis of Digital Systems, Austin, Texas, February 2009..
2009. Systems-compatible incentives. Game Theory for Networks, 2009. GameNets '09. International Conference on. :100-106.
2010. Saliency Guided Summarization of Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Scientific Visualization: Advanced Concepts. 1:321-335.
2010. Scalable representation of dataflow graph structures using topological patterns. 2010 IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems (SIPS). :13-18.
2010. Scaling Populations of a Genetic Algorithm for Job Shop Scheduling Problems Using MapReduce. Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom), 2010 IEEE Second International Conference on. :780-785.
2010. Sectored Random Projections for Cancelable Iris Biometrics. 2010 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). :1838-1841.
2010. Secure and robust iris recognition using random projections and sparse representations. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on. (99):1-1.
2010. Secure text processing with applications to private DNA matching. Proceedings of the 17th ACM conference on Computer and communications security. :485-492.
2010. Security analysis for privacy preserving search of multimedia. Image Processing (ICIP). :26-29.
2010. Selective excitation of LI2 by chirped laser pulses with all possible interstate radiative couplings. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 133(16):164313-164313-9.
2010. Semi non-intrusive training for cell-phone camera model linkage. Information Forensics and Security (WIFS), 2010 IEEE International Workshop on. :1-6.
2010. Sequencing and Genome Assembly Using Next-Generation Technologies. Computational BiologyComputational Biology. 673:1-17.
2010. Serializing C intermediate representations for efficient and portable parsing. Software: Practice and Experience. 40(3):225-238.
2010. Serodiversity and ecological distribution of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in the Venetian Lagoon, Northeast Italy. Environmental Microbiology Reports. 2(1):151-157.
2010. THE SHAKY LADDER HYPERPLANE-DEFINED FUNCTIONS AND CLASSIC DYNAMIC PROBLEMS. International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications. 09(01):33-33.
2010. Shape analysis and its applications in image understanding. IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence. 32(4):604-618.
2010. Shape-based human detection and segmentation via hierarchical part-template matching. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on. 32(4):604-618.
2010. Sharing-aware horizontal partitioning for exploiting correlations during query processing. Proc. VLDB Endow.. 3(1-2):542-553.