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2005. Mutatis mutandis: safe and predictable dynamic software updating. Proceedings of the 32nd ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT symposium on Principles of programming languages. :183-194.
2008. Multi-agent learning with a distributed genetic algorithm. AAMAS 2008: ALAMAS + ALAg Workshop.
2011. When does simulated data match real data? Proceedings of the 13th annual conference companion on Genetic and evolutionary computation. :231-232.
2010. Evolving viral marketing strategies. Proceedings of the 12th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation. :1195-1202.
2012. When Does Simulated Data Match Real Data? Comparing Model Calibration Functions using Genetic Algorithms World Congress on Social Simulation (WCSS), Taipei, Taiwan.
2008. CrossNet: a framework for crossover with network-based chromosomal representations. Proceedings of the 10th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation. :1057-1064.
2008. Seasonal Cholera from Multiple Small Outbreaks, Rural Bangladesh. Emerging Infectious DiseasesEmerg Infect Dis. 14(5):831-833.
1997. On the weighting method for least squares problems with linear equality constraints. BIT Numerical Mathematics. 37(4):961-967.
1999. The QLP Approximation to the Singular Value Decomposition. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing. 20(4):1336-1348.
1997. On markov chains with sluggish transients. Communications in Statistics. Stochastic Models. 13(1):85-94.
1999. Four algorithms for the efficient computation of truncated pivoted QR approximations to a sparse matrix. Numerische Mathematik. 83(2):313-323.
1998. When Two Hands Are Better Than One: Enhancing Collaboration Using Single Display Groupware. CHI’98. Extended Abstracts. :287-288.
2006. A note on generalized and hypergeneralized projectors. Linear Algebra and its Applications. 412(2–3):408-411.
1999. Single display groupware: a model for co-present collaboration. Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems: the CHI is the limit. :286-293.
1995. On the stability of sequential updates and downdates. Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on. 43(11):2642-2648.