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Author Title [ Type] Year Filters: Block-preconditioners-discrete-incompressible-navier%E2%80%93stokes-equations is [Clear All Filters]
1991. A taxonomy and rule base for the selection of interaction styles. Human factors for informatics usability. :325-325.
1977. Teaching programming: A spiral approach to syntax and semantics. Computers & Education. 1(4):193-197.
1982. Teaching software psychology experimentation through team projects. ACM SIGCSE Bulletin. 14(3):38-40.
1995. On a Technique for Parsing a String (Invited Lecture). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 937:386-386.
2006. Techniques and processes for improving the quality and performance of open-source software. Software Process: Improvement and Practice. 11(2):163-176.
2007. Techniques for Classifying Executions of Deployed Software to Support Software Engineering Tasks. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. 33(5):287-304.
2005. Techniques for indexing and querying temporal observations for a collection of objects. Algorithms and Computation. :822-834.
2004. Techniques for optimization of queries on integrated biological resources. Journal of bioinformatics and computational biology. 2(2):375-412.
1995. Techniques for performance measurement of parallel programs. Parallel computers: theory and practice. :225-240.
1993. Techniques for probabilistic analysis and randomness-efficient computation. Computer Science Technical Reports, Cornell University.
2010. Techniques for similarity searching in multimedia databases. Proc. VLDB Endow.. 3(1-2):1649-1650.
1998. Techniques for update handling in the enhanced client-server DBMS. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. 10(3):458-476.
2009. Techniques to audit and certify the long-term integrity of digital archives. International Journal on Digital Libraries. 10(2):123-131.
2011. Technology-mediated social participation: the next 25 years of HCI challenges. Human-Computer Interaction. Design and Development Approaches. :3-14.
2011. Temperature regulation of virulence factors in the pathogen Vibrio coralliilyticus. The ISME Journal. 6(4):835-846.
2005. Temperature-Driven Campylobacter Seasonality in England and Wales. Applied and Environmental MicrobiologyAppl. Environ. Microbiol.. 71(1):85-92.