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2005. Promoter architecture and response to a positive regulator of archaeal transcription. Molecular Microbiology. 56(3):625-637.
2009. Promoting energy efficient behaviors in the home through feedback: The role of human-computer interaction. Proc. HCIC Workshop. 9
2009. Promoting energy efficient behaviors in the home through feedback: The role of human-computer interaction. Proc. HCIC Workshop. 9
2008. Promoting Insight-Based Evaluation of Visualizations: From Contest to Benchmark Repository. Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Transactions on. 14(1):120-134.
2002. Promoting universal usability with multi-layer interface design. ACM SIGCAPH Computers and the Physically Handicapped. (73-74):1-8.
2009. Proofs of storage from homomorphic identification protocols. Advances in Cryptology–ASIACRYPT 2009. :319-333.
2003. Properties of embedding methods for similarity searching in metric spaces. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on. 25(5):530-549.
2011. ProPhylo: partial phylogenetic profiling to guide protein family construction and assignment of biological process.. BMC Bioinformatics. 12:434.
1993. Protecting rights in user interface designs. Sparks of innovation in human-computer interaction. :351-351.
2009. Protein quantification across hundreds of experimental conditions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 106(37):15544-15548.
2000. A protocol-independent technique for eliminating redundant network traffic. ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review. 30(4):87-95.
2012. Prototyping scalable digital signal processing systems for radio astronomy using dataflow models. Radio Science. 47(3):n/a-n/a.
2007. Provable algorithms for joint optimization of transport, routing and MAC layers in wireless ad hoc networks. Proc. DialM-POMC Workshop on Foundations of Mobile Computing.
2006. Provable algorithms for parallel generalized sweep scheduling. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. 66(6):807-821.
1998. Providing Advisory Notices for UNIX Command Users: Design, Implementation, and Empirical Evaluations. Technical Reports of the Computer Science Department.
1983. Pseudogenes for human small nuclear RNA U3 appear to arise by integration of self-primed reverse transcripts of the RNA into new chromosomal sites. CellCell. 32(2):461-472.
1985. The Psychology of Program Documentation. Conference on Software Maintenance, 1985, Sheraton Inn Washington-Northwest, November 11-13, 1985. :191-191.
2009. PTM-Switchboard--a database of posttranslational modifications of transcription factors, the mediating enzymes and target genes. Nucleic Acids ResearchNucleic Acids Research. 37(Database):D66-D71-D66-D71.
2002. Purification and properties of the extracellular lipase, LipA, of Acinetobacter sp. RAG‐1. European Journal of Biochemistry. 269(23):5771-5779.