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Pratt TW, Zelkowitz MV.  1984.  Programming languages: design and implementation.
Minker J, Perlis D.  1984.  Protected circumscription. Proc. Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning. :337-343.
Mehlhorn K, Vishkin U.  1984.  Randomized and deterministic simulations of PRAMs by parallel machines with restricted granularity of parallel memories. Acta Informatica. 21(4):339-374.
Vishkin U.  1984.  Randomized speed-ups in parallel computation. Proceedings of the sixteenth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing. :230-239.
Aloimonos Y, Brown CM.  1984.  The relationship between optical flow and surface orientation. Proc. of the 7-th ICPR, Montreal-Canada.
Shneiderman B.  1984.  Response time and display rate in human performance with computers. ACM Comput. Surv.. 16(3):265-285.
Mount SM, Steitz JA.  1984.  RNA splicing and the involvement of small ribonucleoproteins. Modern cell biology. 3:249-297.
Reggia JA, Ahuja SB.  1984.  Simulation of phonemic errors using artificial intelligence symbol processing techniques. Proceedings of the 17th annual symposium on Simulation. :49-64.
Morris MS, Reggia JA, Ahuja SB, Hart J, Watson V.  1984.  SLIPS. Journal of Medical Systems. 8(3):197-204.
Zelkowitz MV, Yeh RT, Hamlet RG, Gannon JD, Basili VR.  1984.  Software Engineering Practices in the US and Japan. Computer. 17(6):57-66.
Gurevich Y, Stockmeyer L, Vishkin U.  1984.  Solving NP-hard problems on graphs that are almost trees and an application to facility location problems. Journal of the ACM (JACM). 31(3):459-473.
Zelkowitz MV.  1984.  A taxonomy of prototype designs. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes. 9(5):11-12.
Reggia JA.  1985.  Abductive inference. Proceedigns of the Expert Systems in Government Symposium. :484-489.
Reggia JA, Perricone B, Nau DS, Peng Y.  1985.  Answer justification in abductive expert systems for diagnostic problem solving. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering.
Reggia JA, Perricone BT, Nau DS, Peng Y.  1985.  Answer Justification in Diagnostic Expert Systems-Part II: Supporting Plausible Justifications. Biomedical Engineering, IEEE Transactions on. (4):268-272.
Norman KL, Weldon LJ, Shneiderman B.  1985.  Cognitive Representations of Windows and Multiple Screen Layouts of Computer Interfaces.
Mount SM, Rubin GM.  1985.  Complete nucleotide sequence of the Drosophila transposable element copia: homology between copia and retroviral proteins.. Molecular and Cellular BiologyMol. Cell. Biol.. 5(7):1630-1638.
Minker J, Perlis D.  1985.  Computing protected circumscription. The Journal of Logic Programming. 2(4):235-249.
Aloimonos Y, Basu A, Brown CM.  1985.  Contour, orientation and motion. Proceedings: Image Understanding Workshop (Miami Beach, FL, December 9–10, 1985). :129-136.
O'Leary DP, Stewart G.W.  1985.  Data-flow algorithms for parallel matrix computation. Communications of the ACM. 28(8):840-853.
Aloimonos Y, Chou PB, of of Science U R. D. C.  1985.  Detection of Surface Orientation and Motion from Texture: The Case of Planes.
Berwick R, Weinberg A.  1985.  Deterministic parsing: A modern view. 15:15-33.
Roussopoulos N, Leifker D.  1985.  Direct spatial search on pictorial databases using packed R-trees. ACM SIGMOD Record. 14:17-31.
Reggia JA.  1985.  DS Nau, and PY Wang. A formal model of diagnostic inference. Information Sciences. 37:227-285.
Roussopoulos N, Bader C.  1985.  Dynamic access control for relational views.. INFO. SYST.. 10(3):361-369.
