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Bar-On I, Vishkin U.  1985.  Optimal parallel generation of a computation tree form. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS). 7(2):348-357.
Vishkin U.  1985.  Optimal parallel pattern matching in strings. Information and Control. 67(1-3):91-113.
Schwartz JP, Norman KL, Shneiderman B.  1985.  Performance on content-free menus as a function of study method. Tech Report HCIL-85-03.
Brooks R, Sheppard S, Shneiderman B.  1985.  The Psychology of Program Documentation. Conference on Software Maintenance, 1985, Sheraton Inn Washington-Northwest, November 11-13, 1985. :191-191.
Gannon J, Basili VR, Zelkowitz MV, Yeh R.  1985.  Research in Programming Languages and Software Engineering..
Roussopoulos N, Mark L.  1985.  Schema manipulation in self-describing and self-documenting data models. International Journal of Parallel Programming. 14(1):1-28.
Roussopoulos N, Yeh RT.  1985.  SEES—A Software testing Environment Support System. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. SE-11(4):355-366.
Roussopoulos N, Mark L.  1985.  SELF-DESCRIBING AND SELF-DOCUMENTING DATABASE SYSTEMS. Languages for automation. :275-275.
Coppersmith D, Vishkin U.  1985.  Solving NP-hard problems in [] almost trees': Vertex cover. Discrete applied mathematics. 10(1):27-45.
Weldon LJ, Koved L, Shneiderman B.  1985.  The Structure of Information in Online and Paper Technical Manuals. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual MeetingProceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting. 29(12):1110-1113.
Reggia JA, Nau DS, Peng Y, Perricone B.  1985.  A theoretical foundation for abductive expert systems.
Coolahan Jr JE, Roussopoulos N.  1985.  A timed petri net methodolgoy for specifying real-time system timing requirements. International Workshop on Timed Petri Nets. :24-31.
JaJa JF, Owens RM.  1985.  VLSI Architectures Based on the Small N Algorithms. ISR-TR-1985-8
Mount D.  1985.  Voronoi Diagrams on the Surface of a Polyhedron..
Reggia JA, Nau DS.  1984.  An abductive non-monotonic logic. Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning.
Minter J, Perlis D.  1984.  Applications or Protected Circumscription. 7th International Conference on Automated Deduction, Napa, California, USA, May 14-16, 1984: proceedings. 170:414-414.
Reggia JA, Tabb DR, Price TR, Banko M, Hebel R.  1984.  Computer-aided assessment of transient ischemic attacks. A clinical evaluation.. Archives of neurology. 41(12):1248-1248.
Zelkowitz MV.  1984.  Data collection and evaluation for experimental computer science research. Information Processing & Management. 20(1–2):269-276.
Shneiderman B.  1984.  Designing Interactive Computer Systems: A Software Psychology Workshop.
Aloimonos Y, Brown CM.  1984.  Direct processing of curvilinear sensor motion from a sequence of perspective images. Proc. Workshop on Computer Vision: Representation and Control. 72:77-77.
Powers M, Lashley C, Sanchez P, Shneiderman B.  1984.  An experimental comparison of tabular and graphic data presentation. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies. 20(6):545-566.
Vishkin RETU.  1984.  Finding biconnected components and computing tree functions in logarithmic parallel time. 1998 International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques, Paris, France, October 12-18, 1998: proceedings. :12-12.
Atallah M, Vishkin U.  1984.  Finding Euler tours in parallel* 1. Journal of Computer and System Sciences. 29(3):330-337.
Roussopoulos N, Mark L.  1984.  A framework for self-describing and self-documenting database systems. NBS Trends and Application Conference.
Roussopoulos N, Kelley S.  1984.  GDDT--A graphical design and documentation tool for software development. Computers & Graphics. 8(3):309-323.
