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Book Chapters
Namata G, Sen P, Bilgic M, Getoor L.  2009.  Collective classification for text classification. Text Mining: Classification, Clustering, and ApplicationsText Mining: Classification, Clustering, and Applications. :51-69.
Bhattacharya I, Getoor L.  2009.  Collective relational clustering. Constrained Clustering: Advances in Algorithms, Theory, and ApplicationsConstrained Clustering: Advances in Algorithms, Theory, and Applications. :221-244.
Hannenhalli S, Hubbell E, Lipshutz R, Pevzner P.  2002.  Combinatorial Algorithms for Design of DNA Arrays. Chip TechnologyChip Technology. 77:1-19.
Jaeger S, Ma H, Doermann D.  2008.  Combining Classifiers with Informational Confidence. Studies in Computational Intelligence: Machine Learning in Document Analysis and RecognitionStudies in Computational Intelligence: Machine Learning in Document Analysis and Recognition. :163-192.
O'Leary DP.  1998.  Commentary on Lanczos's `Analytical and Practical Curve Fitting of Equidistant Data'. Cornelius Lanczos Collected Published Papers with CommentariesCornelius Lanczos Collected Published Papers with Commentaries. 5:3-433to3-434-3-433to3-434.
Hicks MW, Moore J, Nettles S.  2001.  Compiling PLAN to SNAP. Active NetworksActive Networks. 2207:134-151.
Au T-C, Muñoz-Avila H, Nau DS.  2002.  On the Complexity of Plan Adaptation by Derivational Analogy in a Universal Classical Planning Framework. Advances in Case-Based Reasoning. 2416:199-206.
Slaughters L, Shneiderman B, Marchionini G.  1997.  Comprehension and object recognition capabilities for presentations of simultaneous video key frame surrogates. Research and Advanced Technology for Digital LibrariesResearch and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries. 1324:41-54.
Sankaranarayanan A, Turaga P, Baraniuk R, Chellappa R.  2010.  Compressive Acquisition of Dynamic Scenes. Computer Vision – ECCV 2010Computer Vision – ECCV 2010. 6311:129-142.
Dachman-Soled D, Gennaro R, Krawczyk H, Malkin T.  2012.  Computational Extractors and Pseudorandomness. Theory of Cryptography. :383-403.
Chellappa R, Chowdhury A RK.  2006.  Computer Vision, Statistics in. Encyclopedia of Statistical SciencesEncyclopedia of Statistical Sciences.
Dorr BJ.  1991.  Conceptual Basis of the Lexicon in Machine Translation. Lexical acquisition: exploiting on-line resources to build a lexiconLexical acquisition: exploiting on-line resources to build a lexicon. :263-263.
O'Leary DP.  1996.  Conjugate Gradients and Related KMP Algorithms: The Beginnings. Linear and Nonlinear Conjugate Gradient-Related MethodsLinear and Nonlinear Conjugate Gradient-Related Methods. :1-8.
Evans P, Donahue G, Hannenhalli S.  2006.  Conservation Patterns in cis-Elements Reveal Compensatory Mutations. Comparative GenomicsComparative Genomics. 4205:186-199.
Monahemi M, Barlow J, O'Leary DP.  1991.  Considerations on Loop Transfer Recovery for Non-minimum Phase Plants. Proceedings of the AIAA Aircraft Design Systems and Operations MeetingProceedings of the AIAA Aircraft Design Systems and Operations Meeting. AIAA-91-3086
Goodrich MT, Papamanthou C, Tamassia R.  2007.  On the Cost of Persistence and Authentication in Skip Lists. Experimental Algorithms. :94-107.
Gupta A, Srinivasan A.  2003.  On the Covering Steiner Problem. FST TCS 2003: Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer ScienceFST TCS 2003: Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science. 2914:244-251.
Shneiderman B.  2009.  Creativity Support Tools: A Grand Challenge for HCI Researchers. Engineering the User InterfaceEngineering the User Interface. :1-9.
Oard D, Demner-Fushman D, Hajič J, Ramabhadran B, Gustman S, Byrne W, Soergel D, Dorr BJ, Resnik P, Picheny M.  2006.  Cross-Language Access to Recorded Speech in the MALACH Project. Text, Speech and DialogueText, Speech and Dialogue. 2448:197-212.
Danovaro E, De Floriani L, Magillo P, Puppo E.  2003.  Data structures for 3D Multi-Tessellations: an overview. Data Visualization: The State of the ArtData Visualization: The State of the Art. :239-256.
Fredrikson A, North C, Plaisant C, Shneiderman B, Tanin E, Pkisant C.  2003.  Database Discovery with Dynamic Queries. The craft of information visualization: readings and reflectionsThe craft of information visualization: readings and reflections. :1-1.
Rao Kosaraju S, Pop M.  1998.  De-amortization of Algorithms. Computing and CombinatoricsComputing and Combinatorics. 1449:4-14.
Grant J, Minker J.  2007.  Deductive Databases. Wiley Encyclopedia of Computer Science and EngineeringWiley Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering.
Elaine Shi, Waters B.  2008.  Delegating Capabilities in Predicate Encryption Systems. Automata, Languages and Programming. 5126:560-578.
Monahemi M, Barlow J, O'Leary DP.  1991.  The Design of Reduced Order Luenberger Observers with Precise LTR. Proceedings of the AIAA Meeting on Guidance, Navigation and ControlProceedings of the AIAA Meeting on Guidance, Navigation and Control. AIAA-91-2731
