“Distributed Sensor Networking: Algorithms in Theory and Practice”
Location: LTS Auditorium, 8080 Greenmead Drive
Aravind Srinivasan
Professor, Department of Computer Science and UMIACS
We present our group’s work (past and ongoing) as well as future plans, relating to several fundamental problems in Distributed Sensor Networking. These include sensing for tracking epidemics and bio-terrorism, load-balanced and sparsely-interconnected topologies for the network, staying ahead of evolving targets (such as Ebola in West Africa) via stochastic optimization, data compression by exploiting correlations among nearby nodes, and low-latency routing and scheduling.
We will make the case for the confluence of algorithms, probabilistic modeling, and network science as an underlying common thread and discuss some of our practical results.
Speaker Bio:
Aravind Srinivasan is a professor of computer science with an appointment in UMIACS.
Srinivasan’s research interests are in randomized algorithms, E-commerce, public health, networking, social networks, and combinatorial optimization, as well as in the growing confluence of algorithms, networks, and randomness, in fields including the
social Web, machine learning, biology, and energy. He has published more than 115 papers in these areas.
He is a Fellow of ACM, AAAS, IEEE and EATCS. He received a Distinguished Alumnus Award from his alma mater IIT Madras and also received the Distinguished Faculty Award from the CMNS Board of Visitors.
Srinivasan received his doctorate from Cornell University. He was a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton and at DIMACS.