Using Data Science for the Study and Prediction of Flooding Events
Visit and Talk by Professor Ya-Hui Chang, National Taiwan Ocean University
Friday, Oct. 20 at 2 p.m.
Location: 2120 A.V. Williams
Hosted by Louiqa Raschid, Robert H. Smith School of Business and UMIACS
Title: “Using Data Science for the Study and Prediction of Flooding Events”
This talk summarizes what I have been doing related to floods for the past few years. It started from a project with several professors in the Department of Harbor and River Engineering at National Taiwan Ocean University. I will describe the research results of several published papers, which include “Building an effective flood forecasting system based on Web services,” “Producing flood forecasting messages based on landmarks,” and “Performing path planning in flooded regions based on route APIs.” I will then discuss some topics which might be worth exploring in the future.
Ya-Hui Chang is a professor at National Taiwan Ocean University. She received a bachelor degree in computer science and information engineering from National Taiwan University in 1990. She earned a master degree and PhD degree in computer science from University of Maryland in 1993 and 1995, respectively. After graduation from UMD, she worked in Providence University in Taichung, Taiwan and then transferred to National Taiwan Ocean University in 1998. Her research interests include heterogeneous databases, XML query processing, mobile and spatial databases, and she has published papers in CIKM, DASFAA, SIGMOD Records, and Transactions in GIS, among others.