Ben Shneiderman, a Distinguished University Professor of computer science with an appointment in UMIACS, has published a new book with Oxford University Press entitled "The New ABCs of Research," which was recently reviewed in the journal Nature.
In his review, Rick Rylance, director of the Institute of English Studies at the University of London's School of Advanced Study, praises the book for its call for researchers to be more collaborative and interdisciplinary in nature.
"The book is strongest in the areas in which Shneiderman is most enthused, such as the advantages of teamwork or the concept of prototyping as research in practice, for instance using 3-D modelling and computer-assisted virtual design tools," Rylance says. "His discussion of the challenges and potential of big data and open access as ways of sharing research findings and approaches to social issues is informed and thoughtful."
Read the full review here.
View a video about "The New ABCs of Research" here.