A paper co-authored by Marshini Chetty, an assistant professor in the College of Information Studies (iSchool) with an appointment in UMIACS, has been accepted to the ACM's upcoming CHI 2015 Conference.
“uCap: An Internet Data Management Tool for the Home” describes the design, implementation and evaluation of a novel system called uCap, which can help consumers track and manage Internet data in the home, particularly in the face of data caps or a limit on how much Internet data a consumer can use per month.
uCap runs on a home router and allows Internet users to track how much data each device on their home network is consuming, and to allocate and control data usage per device.
The evaluation determined that users found uCap to be helpful for understanding home Internet data use and controlling use to stay within data budgets.
The paper will be presented at the conference in April in Seoul, Korea. It is the premier conference on human factors in computing systems.