Appointment, Evaluation and Promotion
The University of Maryland guidelines on the Appointment, Evaluation and Promotion (AEP) of Professional Track (PTK) faculty provide transparency and accountability of rules, procedures, and processes; fair and equitable treatment of PTK faculty in appointment, evaluation and promotion; and meaningful inclusion of PTK faculty in the development and implementation of unit, College, or School policies and procedures.
The UMIACS Policy on Professional Track Faculty establishes unit-level policies that are compliant with college and university-level guidelines for the appointment, evaluation, and promotion of such faculty. Select the applicant's rank below to review the required documents for AEP.
For general questions, please contact Elizabeth Hontz.
For questions regarding financial accounts, contact Petra Zapf.
For questions regarding payroll, contact Vivian Lu.
If you are an international applicant, contact Yerty Valenzuela for additional requirements.