News & Announcements

Feizi Funded by NIST to Develop Standard Evaluations of ML Robustness

Feizi writing equations on white board.
Nov 17, 2020 - The goal of Feizi’s project is to design metrics that evaluate a defense’s effectiveness of robustness, scalability in deep networks and transferability across models.

Carpuat and Frias-Martinez Selected for UMD Research Leaders Fellows Program

Nov 16, 2020 - The new program supports up-and-coming researchers on the University of Maryland campus.

Boyd-Graber to Present Papers on Helping AI Systems Sort Through Medical Data

Nov 11, 2020 - Boyd-Graber and his team are presenting two papers on how to quickly train aging AI systems to sift through medical and emergency data.

Hunt for Quantum Speedups Closes a Door But Opens a Window

Nov 11, 2020 - A paper by Daochen Wang (in photo) and Andrew Childs in QuICS explores current boundaries—and possible future advances—involving exponential quantum speedups.

Wu Receives AFOSR Award to Develop Methods to Fend Off Quantum Attacks

Nov 11, 2020 - The project will receive $450K over the next three years as part of the Air Force Office of Scientific Research Young Investigator Research Program.

Feizi Funded by DARPA to Develop Adversarial Counterattack Program

Nov 03, 2020 - Feizi is designing Reverse Engineer Deceptions (RED), a program that will not only be able to identify the origin of the attack and its sophistication level, but also the most effective defense to use against future attacks.

Peng Receives Award to Develop Assistive Technology for Visually Impaired Coders

Oct 30, 2020 - He aims to develop new tools that will enable blind and visually impaired coders to create visual layout and frontend programs independently.

Plaisant Honored with IEEE Visualization Career Award

Oct 27, 2020 - She is being recognized for her comprehensive body of work within the field of data visualization, including her contributions to evaluation, benchmarks and case studies, and her specific research focus on event sequence visualization.

QuICS Welcomes Two New Fellows to the University of Maryland

Oct 26, 2020 - Victor Albert and Michael Gullans arrived this fall and are now embedded within the QuICS research community.

UMIACS Faculty Share Expertise and Knowledge at Tech + Research Workshop

Oct 22, 2020 - The workshop offers a team-based setting that provides a positive intellectual, social and emotional environment for participants interested in computing.
