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University of Maryland
Computing & Society

Rand Co-Authors New Book on Agent-Based Modeling

April 24, 2015

An Introduction to Agent-Based ModelingWilliam Rand, an assistant professor of marketing with an appointment in UMIACS, recently co-authored a new book on agent-based modeling (ABM), which involves computer-based experiments on complex systems embedded in natural, social and engineered contexts.

"An Introduction to Agent-Based Modeling," offers a comprehensive description of the core concepts, methods and applications of ABM, which is revolutionizing research and scholarship in domains that range from engineering to ecology.

Published by MIT Press, the book debuted earlier this month as the #1 New Release in Computer Simulation on Amazon, and #4 overall in Computer Simulation.

Rand, who has an affiliate appointment in computer science and is director of the Center for Complexity in Business in the Robert H. Smith School of Business, collaborated on the book with Uri Wilensky from Northwestern University.

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