CHIB Distinguished Speaker Series: "Multi-Modal and Slice-Based Visualizations of Diffusion Tractography Data"
Location: A.V. Williams Building, Room 2120
Mathias Goldau
University of Leipzig, Germany
In the last decade, diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) has become a popular tool for neuroscientists to analyze brain structures in vivo. Although diffusion tractography proved to successfully reconstruct principal white matter pathways from dMRI data, their visualizations are challenging. One issue is that every tractography data is useless without appropriate anatomical context.
Another challenge is that over time, other imaging modalities have evolved and provided new and complimentary data. Hence, it has become complicated to combine tractography data with additional modalities or derived data.
We will discuss DTI-tractography visualization techniques combining different types of data and modalities. I will present a visualization technique to map scalar parameters on fiber bundles segmented from DTI-based tractography and introduce
Fiber-Stippling, a new illustrative and slice-based rendering technique for volumetric tractography data, which is designed to save space for anatomical context while still being able to effectively communicate tractography data.
Since 2009, Mathias Goldau has worked with the Cortical Networks group at the Max Planck Institute for Neurological Research in Cologne, Germany, and the Image and Signal Processing Group in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Leipzig, Germany.
His main research interest is medical visualization regarding diffusion MRI data.
Goldau received a degree in computer science from the Friedrich-Schiller University of Jena, Germany in 2006.