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1985. The Psychology of Program Documentation. Conference on Software Maintenance, 1985, Sheraton Inn Washington-Northwest, November 11-13, 1985. :191-191.
1985. The Psychology of Program Documentation. Conference on Software Maintenance, 1985, Sheraton Inn Washington-Northwest, November 11-13, 1985. :191-191.
1985. The Structure of Information in Online and Paper Technical Manuals. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual MeetingProceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting. 29(12):1110-1113.
1984. An experimental comparison of tabular and graphic data presentation. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies. 20(6):545-566.
1984. An experimental comparison of tabular and graphic data presentation. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies. 20(6):545-566.
1984. Human Factors in Interactive Medical Systems. Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Computer Application in Medical CareProc Annu Symp Comput Appl Med Care. :96-96.
1984. Memory For Menus: Effects of Study Mode. University of Maryland Computer Science Technical Report Series, CS-TR-1412.
1984. Memory For Menus: Effects of Study Mode. University of Maryland Computer Science Technical Report Series, CS-TR-1412.
1984. Response time and display rate in human performance with computers. ACM Comput. Surv.. 16(3):265-285.
1984. Solving NP-hard problems on graphs that are almost trees and an application to facility location problems. Journal of the ACM (JACM). 31(3):459-473.
1983. The effect of scope delimiters on program comprehension. Software: Practice and Experience. 13(9):817-824.
1983. The effect of scope delimiters on program comprehension. Software: Practice and Experience. 13(9):817-824.
1983. An empirical comparison of two PLATO text editors.. Journal of Computer-Based Instruction. 10:43-50.
1983. Evaluating multiple coordinated windows for programming workstations. NASA. Goddard Space Flight Center Proc. of the Eighth Ann. Software Eng. Workshop 11 p(SEE N 84-23137 13-61).
1983. High-tech can stimulate creative action: the increased ease-of-use of computers supports individual competence and productive work. SIGCHI Bull.. 14(4):6-7.
1983. Human factors of interactive software. Enduser Systems and Their Human FactorsEnduser Systems and Their Human Factors. 150:9-29.