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Schulman A, Levin D, Spring N.  2008.  On the fidelity of 802.11 packet traces. Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Passive and active network measurement. :132-141.
Chrun D, Cukier M, Sneeringer G.  2008.  Finding Corrupted Computers Using Imperfect Intrusion Prevention System Event Data. Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security. 5219:221-234.
Chrun D, Cukier M, Sneeringer G.  2008.  Finding Corrupted Computers Using Imperfect Intrusion Prevention System Event Data. Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security. 5219:221-234.
Ramachandran A, Feamster N, Krishnamurthy B, Spatscheck O, Van der Merwe J.  2008.  Fishing for Phishing from the Network Stream. GT-CS-08-08
Bender A, Sherwood R, Spring N.  2008.  Fixing ally's growing pains with velocity modeling. Proceedings of the 8th ACM SIGCOMM conference on Internet measurement. :337-342.
Bender A, Sherwood R, Spring N.  2008.  Fixing ally's growing pains with velocity modeling. Proceedings of the 8th ACM SIGCOMM conference on Internet measurement. :337-342.
Mendonca MG, Maldonado JC, de Oliveira MCF, Carver J, Fabbri CPF, Shull F, Travassos GH, Hohn EN, Basili VR.  2008.  A Framework for Software Engineering Experimental Replications. Engineering of Complex Computer Systems, 2008. ICECCS 2008. 13th IEEE International Conference on. :203-212.
Singh LN, Hannenhalli S.  2008.  Functional Diversification of Paralogous Transcription Factors via Divergence in DNA Binding Site Motif and in Expression. PLoS ONEPLoS ONE. 3(6):e2345-e2345.
Cummings MP, Neel MC, Shaw KL.  2008.  A GENEALOGICAL APPROACH TO QUANTIFYING LINEAGE DIVERGENCE. Evolution. 62(9):2411-2422.
Phillippy AM, Schatz MC, Pop M.  2008.  Genome assembly forensics: finding the elusive mis-assembly. Genome Biology. 9(3):R55-R55.
Sethupathy P, Giang H, Plotkin JB, Hannenhalli S.  2008.  Genome-Wide Analysis of Natural Selection on Human Cis-Elements. PLoS ONEPLoS ONE. 3(9):e3137-e3137.
Nagarajan N, Navajas-Pérez R, Pop M, Alam M, Ming R, Paterson A, Salzberg S.  2008.  Genome-Wide Analysis of Repetitive Elements in Papaya. Tropical Plant Biology. 1(3):191-201.
Saha B, Getoor L.  2008.  Group proximity measure for recommending groups in online social networks. networks. 1(6):5-5.
Sankaranarayanan AC, Srivastava A, Chellappa R.  2008.  Hardware and Software Systems for Image and Video Processing-Algorithmic and Architectural Optimizations for Computationally Efficient Particle Filtering. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. 17(5):737-748.
Sankaranarayanan AC, Srivastava A, Chellappa R.  2008.  Hardware and Software Systems for Image and Video Processing-Algorithmic and Architectural Optimizations for Computationally Efficient Particle Filtering. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. 17(5):737-748.
Thomas J, Dearden A, Dray S, Light A, Best M, Arkin N, Maunder A, Kam M, Chetty M, Sambasivan N et al..  2008.  Hci for community and international development. SIGCHI EA '08. :3909-3912.
Brabec F, Samet H.  2008.  Hierarchical infrastructure for internet mapping services. Geospatial Services and Applications for the Internet. :1-30.
Tahmoush D, Samet H.  2008.  High-Dimensional Similarity Retrieval Using Dimensional Choice. Similarity Search and Applications, 2008. SISAP 2008. First International Workshop on. :35-42.
Jimmy Lin, Smucker MD.  2008.  How Do Users Find Things with PubMed? Towards Automatic Utility Evaluation with User Simulations
Saponas T, Lester J, Froehlich J, Fogarty J, Landay J.  2008.  ilearn on the iphone: Real-time human activity classification on commodity mobile phones. University of Washington CSE Tech Report UW-CSE-08-04-02.
McKay C, Swaminathan A, Gou H, M. Wu.  2008.  Image acquisition forensics: Forensic analysis to identify imaging source. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 2008. ICASSP 2008. IEEE International Conference on. :1657-1660.
Mundur P, Seligman M, Lee J N.  2008.  Immunity-Based Epidemic Routing in Intermittent Networks. 5th Annual IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks, 2008. SECON '08. :609-611.
King D, Hicks B, Hicks MW, Jaeger T.  2008.  Implicit Flows: Can’t Live with ‘Em, Can’t Live without ‘Em. Information Systems SecurityInformation Systems Security. 5352:56-70.
Srinivasan A.  2008.  Improved algorithmic versions of the Lovász Local Lemma. Proceedings of the nineteenth annual ACM-SIAM symposium on Discrete algorithms. :611-620.
Martinez MV, Parisi F, Pugliese A, Simari GI, V.S. Subrahmanian.  2008.  Inconsistency management policies. Proc. 2008 Intl. Conference on Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR 2008).
