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In this paper, we introduced a novel variation on sample sort and conducted an experimental study of its performance on a number of platforms using widely different benchmarks. Our results illustrate the efficiency and scalability of our algorithm across the different platforms and appear to improve on all similar results known to the authors. Our results also compare favorably with those reported for the simpler ranking problem posed by the NAS Integer Sorting (IS) Benchmark.

We have also studied several variations on our algorithm which use differing strategies to ensure that every bucket in Step (1) receives an equal number of elements. The results obtained for these variations were very similar to those reported in this paper. On no platform did the improvements exceed approximately tex2html_wrap_inline2696 , and in many instances they actually ran more slowly. We believe that a significant improvement of our algorithm would require the enhancement of the sequential sorting and merging in Steps (3) and (8), and that there is little room for significant improvement in either the load balance or the communication efficiency.

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David R. Helman