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Histogramming is a useful image processing primitive. One application is histogram normalization (or equalization), a technique that flattens the histogram and, thus, improves the contrast of an image by ``spreading out'' colors which might be too clumped together for human visual distinction.

Let k be the number of grey levels in the input image X, and without loss of generality, k is assumed to be a power of two. Note that this implies that for , the value of is an integer . Our histogramming algorithm is quite simple. The first step consists of creating an array on every processor i, such that each processor tallies the number of grey levels in its own subimage into its array . The purpose of the next step is to rearrange the data so that the tallies of each grey level reside on the same processor. If k<p we use a truncated transpose to put each row into a processor, , . If we transpose rows of the local histograms into each processor, such that each processor, , has all the intermediate sums needed to compute through . The routing step is followed by local computations of the histogram which can be done in O operations. Next, one processor, , prefetches the results by doing a circular data movement, as described in Section 2, and outputs the k-bar histogram of the image.

The communication complexity can be estimated as follows. Two main communication steps are used in our algorithm. The first is a matrix transpose of the histogram array and takes . The second communication collects the histogram bars on a single processor and takes . Thus, the histogramming algorithm has the following complexities:


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David A. Bader