LAMP Seminar
Language and Media Processing Laboratory
Conference Room 4406
A.V. Williams Building
University of Maryland

NOVEMBER 30, 1999, 1:00
Ryan Jones

University of Maryland, LAMP
Video Passage Retrieval


The act of cataloging video is a large task, the intent of the database drives the management and indexing of the video. The basic operation is matching during retrieval. A similarity metric is needed to find matches, but how similarity is represented and stored varies on the application. As the amount of video resources increases it becomes more and more impracticable for manual annotation of video to be the main device for retrieval. Therefore automatic feature extraction is the usually means of comparison in large video databases. One promising technique is to query with a sample clip and return similar database entries. In this talk I will present the results from examining the query-by-example technique described in Dimitrova and Abdel-Mottaleb [1] and discuss refinements that can be applied to this technique. [1] N. Dimitrova and M. Abdel-Mottaleb. Content-based video retrieval by example video clip. In Proceedings of the SPIE conference on Storage and Retrieval for Image and Video Databases V, Volume 3022 , pages 59-70, 1996.

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