
Welcome to the home page of the laboratory for Language And Media Processing (LAMP) at the University of Maryland, College Park. Currently, this page provides a centralized location for information on our current projects and our researchers. Announcements of interest to our staff are posted here, along with links to other research departments at College Park. The Laboratory is co-directed by Dr. David Doermann of the Institute for Advanced Computer Studies, as well as Professor Amy Weinberg of the Linguistics Department.

Media Effort Project Descriptions:

The media analysis group is focused on providing tools and techniques for access to large heterogeneous databases of multimedia information objects. There are many environments in which large static and dynamic collections of documents, images and video are being gathered or created, yet these sources remain inaccessible without techniques to automatically index and retrieve the information that they contain. As technology moves us toward simplified creation and use of multimedia documents, we will see an even greater increase in the need to transmit, browse or otherwise process these collections efficiently.

Our recent efforts in document and video analysis have allowed us to develop an environment in which to effectively design and test new algorithms. We have developed a number of prototype systems ranging from analysis of handwriting to compression to recognition of logos. As a natural extension to previous research, we are enhancing this environment to treat higher-level problems. The primary theme of the research is to provide automatic access to information sources by addressing issues involved in initial processing, organization, manipulation and retrieval.

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