LAMP Seminar
Language and Media Processing Laboratory
Conference Room 4406
A.V. Williams Building
University of Maryland

OCTOBER 6, 1998, 1:00
Ryan Jones

MPEG-7 Overview


Formally known as the Multimedia Content Description Interface, MPEG-7, is perched to ring in a new era of audio and visual processing. Currently MPEG-7 is still in the development stages. The relationship between MPEG-4 and this standard will be ongoing use of media objects defined in the MPEG-4 standard. MPEG-7 introduces a standard way to make the content present in audio-visual mediums more readily searchable. The requirements needed consist of a set of description schemas, a language to specify description schemas and the coding schema. The relevant push and pull applications that the MPEG-7 standard will try to enable will be summarized to concluded the talk.

Links (NOTE: Documents are in Microsoft Word format)

MPEG-7 Context and Objectives
MPEG-7 Requirements
MPEG-7 Applications

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