TEMPLATES AND INSTRUCTIONS FORMAINTAINING LAMP PAGES(Templates for Pages) (Format for Publications)TemplatesThe goal of setting up templates is to be able to download them from this site edit them and then submit them to one of the WWW masters to link into the site. The basic idea will be that anything that you provide will be considered a leaf in the hierarchy. You should provide a zip folder containing a stand alone WWW page that you want to have linked. Below, we have linked a number of templates. It is VERY important not to change any of the existing hard coded links. They will be semi-automatically updated to fit into the site. SAMPLES: (do not use these for development! Use Templates) DOWNLOADS EXAMPLE PROCEDURE:
Any edits from the main pages or the page structure should be done through DreamWeaver in one of the open labs (such as AVW 2109). Yang Wang or David Doermann can help transition people to use Dreamweaver.
PublicationsEarlier we decided
that the best way to manage this information is for each author to create
a .bib file or set of files for their For now, the publications will be one of three types: Conference Publication
(inproceedings) GENERATION OF BIB
ENTRIES You should provide all of the information in the templates below for each publication. For the CITIATION_NAME you should follow the these convensions if possible: TR: LAMP_XXX If you want the abstract included, you must fill in the abstract. If you want the paper linked to a copy on the server, please provide a copy of it and fill in the appropriate line (PDF, HTML or PS). At this time we will NOT provide external links as it is too difficult to keep them up to date. You must provide a copy of the file (with the names described) with the bib entry. Any of the fields can be optional fields can be omitted. NOTES: 1) Authors should
be listed with First and Middle initials only and 2) Whenever you use tex commands sensitive characters in the abstract, they must be proceeded by a \, as in \%, \{ or \}. 3) The path to
the files should be the absolute path to 4) the commas, and braces are very important. These are simply bibtex style entries. 5) In the keys, you should not use a colon (:)
% Conference Publication (inproceedings) OPTIONAL FIELDS
% NOTE: If the name of the files above is "-" then the name is assumed to be the same as the key (ie CITATION_NAME).
Authors should submit these entries directly to Denise. If you want to use the generated entries on your own WWW pages, please simply copy the HTML source from the WWW pages when the references are posted.
EXAMPLE: @TechReport{LAMP_022,
PSFILE = {-},
This is a program
availble to process these abstracts located in the pubs/bin directory
of the LAMP WWW tree (currently /fs/www-cfar/Documents/LAMP-ExtraSpace/
on system 7 or /fs/www/Documents/LAMP-ExtraSpace/ on system 6) - generates an
HTML version of the abstract for each record in the input bib file that
has an abstract optional key is -html (case insensitive)
Now the question
is how to we create an HTML files with the If you want to include the text from <bibentry>/<bibentry>-Entry.html, just put "<ENTRY <bibentry>>" in the base file. Running RealizeBib will substitute the next and create the new .html file.
The highest priority
will be to get the existing bib entries into
1. Update LampTRs.bib
located in /fs/www/lamp/pubs
******************* - Goto the Papers
or TechReports directory For example
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