The UMIACS faculty conduct research programs covering a broad
range of areas, addressing both fundamental core computer science
issues and fundamental problems at the interface between computer
science and other disciplines. The infrastructure provided by
UMIACS is primaryily geared toward supporting interdisciplinary
We welcome collaboration from universities, government organization
and non-profit coprorations as well as sponsorship of corporate
partners. In additional to beneifiting directly from research
and development, both collaborators and partners will benefit
from education, participation and direct communication with researchers.
Researchers can spend time onsite working directly with our group
at various levels.
Sponsorship of PhD students work, combined with summer internship
opportunities has proven extreamly valuable as a recuriting tool.
Companies who sponsor research can help define research directions,
quickly evaluate new ideas and participate directly in research
developments if desired.
There are a number of ways to sponsor research at the LAMP Lab
- Gifts of software and equiptment fundemental to the underlying
- Gifts to support general infrastructure or specialized research
topics for graduates and undergraduates.
- Direct contracted support for students and facutly researchers
- Cooperation or teaming agreements on funded research.
Corporations working directly with LAMP researchers can share
in the Intellectual property and have access to signfiicant experience
in many areas of language, document and image processing.
For more information, please contact