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If so please contact Denise Best at denise@umiacs.umd.edu
to make arrangements for its safe return.
If you would like your presentation made available to attendees of the Symposium, please submit them here SDIUT05 Presentation Submissions.
should Particpate?... Click Here
Call for Participation:
Leading researchers from industry and academia,
as well as all government agencies involved in document understanding,
are being invited to a three-day Symposium on Document Image Understanding
Technology (SDIUT05) to be held at the The Marriott
Inn and Conference Center, University Maryland University College, Adelphi, Maryland, on November 2-4, 2005. Funding
agencies will describe present and future document understanding
programs and principal investigators will report on current efforts
in the field.
This Symposium is sponsored in part by federal agencies funding
document research and will serve as an overview of state-of-the-art
projects in document image understanding.
Topics include, but are not limited to:
Multi-lingual OCR
* Language Identification
* Document Layout Analysis
* Logical Structure Recognition
* Document Classification
* Standards for Document Understanding
* Document Databases
* Recognition of Degraded Documents
* Tools for Document Analysis
* Commercial Systems
Special emphasis will be placed on the effects of
degradation and document analysis processes on:
Processing and Logo Detection/Recognition
*Machine Translation
*Information Extraction
*Image and Video Text Recognition
*Information Retrieval
*Cross Language Retrieval
*Document Image Management
*Electronic and WWW Document Analysis
We are very interested in expanding the topics presented
to new areas. To do this, we are inviting all attendees to consider
participating as speakers during an abstract session, or to consider
bringing a poster or demo. This is an ideal way to introduce your
work or area of interest to the community.
should participate in SDIUT?
Agencies and Representatives:
Representatives are invited to participate by giving a description
of a document image analysis need, program or project, or by attending
and interacting with other researchers and developers. In the past
we have had representatives brief the community from many agencies
and hope to include additional representatives to discuss document
analysis needs that have evolved over the past several years.
Researchers: Cutting edge research is a key component to solving
many of the government's unique problems. This symposium gives researchers
the opportunity to communicate developing ideas that show promise
for integration into large volume and often highly degraded document
streams. Technical presentations as well as posters and demonstrations
are welcome.
SDIUT provides a unique opportunity to interact with government
researchers and demonstrate capabilities in research and development
or engineered solutions. We will be continuing our focus on interaction
with a demonstration and poster session (and reception) on Thursday
afternoon, November 3rd. Leading OCR and document analysis companies
will demonstrate their products. There is no additional charge for