This year, we will be using an automated system
for submission of abstracts, extended abstracts and materials for
the proceedings. Some suggested template style sheets can be found
to the left.
Please use the submission system, creating a new
account if you do not currently have one. SDIUT03
When you upload
your submission for the proceedings, please name it accordingly
(For example YOURLASTNAME-Proccedings.pdf) so that we know it is
your final version.
If you create
an account and submit material for the proceedings, and are NOT
the primary author on your submission OR you have changed the title,
please send email to the coordinator with details of the upload
so that we can coordinate your submission.
We have provided a preferred style for publication in the proceedings.
Any reasonable format will be accepted however, please number the
backs of pages and omit any page numbers on the manuscript itself.
As a reminder, the deadline for submissions of research overview
papers is March 9, 2003. Although we will not have extra oral presentations
of technical reports (a demonstration session is planned instead),
authors may submit written technical papers on topics referenced
in the overview presentation. These papers will be published along
with the overview papers, and are welcome beyond the suggested 15
page limit.
Further questions can be addressed to: Denise Best,