Call for Papers (PDF)

Paper and Source File Upload Deadline: January 6, 2012

Submission Deadline: November 11, 2011 November 4, 2011

Registration Deadline: November 4, 2011 October 28, 2001

Paper Registration and Submission

The paper registration deadline is November 4, 2011. You must register your paper for submission by this date to be eligible to upload your manuscript for the paper submission deadline November 11, 2011. This lead time helps us estimate submission volume.

To register your paper on the Springer OCS paper submission site:

  1. Go to Set up an account if you do not already have one.
  2. Register your paper through the ‘Submission’ tab.
    1. Though titled ‘Submit Abstract’, you need not submit an abstract at this time. You can put in additional keywords or repeat your paper title in the abstract box.
    2. Please select a label from the following choices. This is to match reviewers with papers near their domain of expertise.
      1. Military and Security, Health Sciences, Economics, Methodology, Computational and Information Sciences, or Other
    3. Under ‘Sessions,’ please select whether the paper should be considered as a student paper. A full-time student should be the primary author for a student paper.
    4. You can enter additional keywords to facilitate the alignment of reviewers and papers.
  3. Please return to the submission site before the paper submission deadline to upload your manuscript.

Topics of Interest

Papers and posters are solicited on research issues, theories, and applications. Topics of interests include, but are not limited to,

·       Military and security applications of SBP

o   Group formation and evolution in the political context

o   Technology and flash crowds

o   Networks and political influence

o   Information diffusion

o   Group representation and profiling

o   Reasoning about terrorist group behaviors and policies towards them

·       Health applications of SBP

o   Social network analysis to understand health behavior

o   Modeling of health policy and decision making

o   Modeling of behavioral aspects of infectious disease spread

o   Intervention design and modeling for behavioral health

·       Other applications of SBP

o   Economic applications of SBP

o   Reasoning about development aid through SBP

o   Reasoning about global educational efforts through SBP

·       Basic research on sociocultural and behavioral processes using SBP

o   Group interaction and collaboration

o   Group formation and evolution

o   Group representation and profiling

o   Cultural patterns and representation

o   Social conventions and social contexts

o   Influence process and recognition

o   Public opinion representation

o   Viral marketing and information diffusion

o   Psycho-cultural situation awareness

·       Methodological issues in SBP

o   Verification and validation

o   Sensitivity analysis

o   Matching technique or method to research questions

o   Metrics and evaluation

o   Methodological innovation

o   Model federation and integration

o   Limitations of and barriers to SBP

o   Research gaps and opportunities


Important Dates

            Submission Open: October 1, 2011

Paper Registration Deadline: Friday, November 4, 2011

Paper/full text poster Due: Friday, November 11, 2011

            Notification of acceptance: December 19, 2011

            Camera-Ready: December 31, 2011


Format and Submission

SBP12 Conference Proceedings will be published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LCNS) by Springer. The papers must be in English and MUST be formatted according to the Springer-Verlag LNCS/LNAI guidelines. Sample LaTeX2e and WORD files are available at Abstract and full text for both oral presentations and posters should be submitted electronically before the specified deadlines. The maximum length of papers is 8 pages and should be submitted in PDF following the instruction in For any questions and inquiries, please send to