We would like to thank the UMIACS parallel systems staff, including Jerry Sobieski, Mitch Murphy, and Phil Iorio, for their help and machine maintenance while developing this research on the 32-processor UMIACS CM-5, the CASTLE group at Berkeley, especially the help and encouragement from Arvind Krishnamurthy, Lok Tin Liu, David Culler, Steve Luna, and Rich Martin, and the use of UC Berkeley's 64-processor CM-5 and 8-processor Paragon for testing purposes, and Charles Weems at the University of Massachusetts for providing the DARPA test image suite. Computational support on Berkeley's TMC CM-5 and Intel Paragon was provided by NSF Infrastructure Grant number CDA-8722788. We also thank Toby Harness and the Numerical Aerodynamic Simulation Systems Division of NASA's Ames Research Center for use of their 128-processor CM-5 and 128-node (all wide) IBM SP-2.
We thank Argonne National Labs for use of their 128-node IBM SP-1, and the Maui High Performance Computing Center for use of their 400-node IBM SP-2 machine. William Gropp, from the Mathematics and Computer Science Division of Argonne National Labs, provided significant help with the IBM SP-1 message passing interface, EUIH, written by Peter Hochschild of IBM-Yorktown, used in our original port of SPLIT-C to the SP-1.
Also, Klaus Schauser and David Probert of University of California, Santa Barbara, provided access to the 64-node UCSB Meiko CS-2. The Meiko CS-2 Computing Facility was acquired through NSF CISE Infrastructure Grant number CDA-9218202, with support from the College of Engineering and the UCSB Office of Research, for research in parallel computing.