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Block Distributed Memory Model


We use the Block Distributed Memory (BDM) Model ([21], [22]) as a computation model for developing and analyzing our parallel algorithms on distributed memory machines. This model allows the design of algorithms using a single address space and does not assume any particular interconnection topology. The model captures performance by incorporating a cost measure for interprocessor communication induced by remote memory accesses. The cost measure includes parameters reflecting memory latency, communication bandwidth, and spatial locality. This model allows the initial placement of data and prefetching.

The complexity of parallel algorithms will be evaluated in terms of two measures: the computation time , and the communication time . The measure refers to the maximum of the local computations performed on any processor as measured on the standard sequential RAM model. The communication time refers to the total amount of communications time spent by the overall algorithm in accessing remote data. Using the BDM model, an access operation to a remote location takes time, and l prefetch read operations can be executed in time, where is the normalized maximum latency of any message sent in the communications network. No processor can send or receive more than one word at a time.

Two useful data movement patterns, matrix transposition and broadcasting, are discussed next, and their analyses will be included as primitives in the algorithms that follow.

Given a matrix on a p processor machine, where p divides q, the matrix transposition consists of rearranging the data such that the first rows of elements are destined to the first processor, the second rows to the second processor, and so on, with the last rows of the matrix destined to the last processor. An efficient matrix transposition algorithm consists of p iterations such that, during iteration i, each processor prefetches the appropriate block of elements from processor .

Next, an efficient BDM algorithm is given which takes q elements on a single processor and broadcasts them to the other p-1 processors using just two matrix transpositions.

Performance analysis given will reflect the execution times from implementations on the CM-5, SP-2, and CS-2, each with p = 32 parallel processing nodes. The algorithms are written in SPLIT-C , a parallel extension of the C programming language, primarily intended for distributed memory multiprocessors. SPLIT-C can express the capabilities of the BMD model and provides a shared global address space, constructs to express data layout, and split-phase assignments. The split-phase assignment operator, , prefetches data from the specified remote location into local memory. Computation can be overlapped with the remote request, and the sync() function allows each processor to stall until all data prefetching is complete. The SPLIT-C language also supplies a barrier() function for the global synchronization of the processors.

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David A. Bader