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Kientz JA, Arriaga RI, Chetty M, Hayes GR, Richardson J, Patel SN, Abowd GD.  2007.  Grow and Know: Understanding Record-keeping Needs for Tracking the Development of Young Children. SIGCHI '07. :1351-1360.
Plaisant C, Heller D, Li J, Shneiderman B, Mushlin R, Karat J.  1998.  Visualizing medical records with LifeLines. CHI 98 conference summary on Human factors in computing systems. :28-29.
Wongsuphasawat K, Guerra Gómez J A, Plaisant C, Wang T, Taieb-Maimon M, Shneiderman B.  2011.  LifeFlow: visualizing an overview of event sequences (video preview). Proceedings of the 2011 annual conference extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems. :507-510.