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Journal Articles
Fermüller C, Baker P, Aloimonos Y.  2002.  Visual space-time geometry - A tool for perception and the imagination. Proceedings of the IEEE. 90(7):1113-1135.
JaJa JF, Wu SA.  1989.  On routing two-terminal nets in the presence of obstacles. Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, IEEE Transactions on. 8(5):563-570.
Zotkin DN, Duraiswami R, Davis LS.  2004.  Rendering localized spatial audio in a virtual auditory space. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia. 6(4):553-564.
JaJa JF, Chang S-C.  1991.  Parallel Algorithms for Channel Routing in the Knock-Knee Model. SIAM Journal on Computing. 20(2):228-245.
Ogale AS, Fermüller C, Aloimonos Y.  2005.  Motion segmentation using occlusions. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. 27(6):988-992.
Plaisant C, Carr D, Shneiderman B.  1995.  Image-browser taxonomy and guidelines for designers. IEEE Software. 12(2):21-32.
Baker P, Ogale AS, Fermüller C.  2004.  The Argus eye: a new imaging system designed to facilitate robotic tasks of motion. IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine. 11(4):31-38.
Ji H, Fermüller C.  2006.  A 3D shape constraint on video. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. 28(6):1018-1023.
Conference Papers
Fermüller C, Aloimonos Y.  1998.  Which shape from motion? Sixth International Conference on Computer Vision, 1998. :689-695.
Khurana U, Nguyen V-A, Cheng H-C, Ahn J-wook, Chen X, Shneiderman B.  2011.  Visual Analysis of Temporal Trends in Social Networks Using Edge Color Coding and Metric Timelines. Privacy, Security, Risk and Trust (PASSAT), 2011 IEEE Third International Conference on and 2011 IEEE Third International Confernece on Social Computing (SocialCom). :549-554.
Baker P, Fermüller C, Aloimonos Y, Pless R.  2001.  A spherical eye from multiple cameras (makes better models of the world). Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2001. CVPR 2001. 1:I-576-I-583vol.1-I-576-I-583vol.1.
Zotkin DN, Duraiswami R, Gumerov NA.  2008.  Sound field decomposition using spherical microphone arrays. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 2008. ICASSP 2008. :277-280.
Zotkin DN, Duraiswami R, Philomin V, Davis LS.  2000.  Smart videoconferencing. 2000 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 2000. ICME 2000. 3:1597-1600vol.3-1597-1600vol.3.
Brodsky T, Fermüller C, Aloimonos Y.  1998.  Self-calibration from image derivatives. Sixth International Conference on Computer Vision, 1998. :83-89.
Huang L, Aloimonos Y.  1991.  Relative depth from motion using normal flow: an active and purposive solution. Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Visual Motion, 1991. :196-204.
Neumann J, Fermüller C, Aloimonos Y.  2003.  Polydioptric camera design and 3D motion estimation. 2003 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2003. Proceedings. 2:II-294-301vol.2-II-294-301vol.2.
Baker P, Ogale AS, Fermüller C, Aloimonos Y.  2003.  New eyes for robotics. 2003 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2003. (IROS 2003). Proceedings. 1:1018-1023vol.1-1018-1023vol.1.
Gove R, Gramsky N, Kirby R, Sefer E, Sopan A, Dunne C, Shneiderman B, Taieb-Maimon M.  2011.  NetVisia: Heat Map & Matrix Visualization of Dynamic Social Network Statistics & Content. Privacy, Security, Risk and Trust (PASSAT), 2011 IEEE Third International Conference on and 2011 IEEE Third International Confernece on Social Computing (SocialCom). :19-26.
Fermüller C, Aloimonos Y, Baker P, Pless R, Neumann J, Stuart B.  2000.  Multi-camera networks: eyes from eyes. IEEE Workshop on Omnidirectional Vision, 2000. Proceedings. :11-18.
Shroff N, Turaga P, Chellappa R.  2010.  Moving vistas: Exploiting motion for describing scenes. 2010 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). :1911-1918.
Kustanowitz J, Shneiderman B.  2005.  Meaningful presentations of photo libraries: rationale and applications of bi-level radial quantum layouts. Proceedings of the 5th ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, 2005. JCDL '05. :188-196.
Cheong LF, Aloimonos Y.  1995.  Iso-distortion contours and egomotion estimation. Proceedings of International Symposium on Computer Vision, 1995. :55-60.
Ji H, Fermüller C.  2005.  Integration of motion fields through shape. IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2005. CVPR 2005. 2:663-669vol.2-663-669vol.2.
Brodsky T, Fermüller C, Aloimonos Y.  1995.  The information in the direction of image flow. , International Symposium on Computer Vision, 1995. Proceedings. :461-466.
Ogale AS, Aloimonos Y.  2004.  The influence of shape on image correspondence. 2nd International Symposium on 3D Data Processing, Visualization and Transmission, 2004. 3DPVT 2004. Proceedings. :945-952.
