News & Announcements

UMD Part of Multi-Institutional Team Awarded $14.4M to Develop Innovative Language Technologies

Jul 08, 2018 - Interdisciplinary team includes experts in natural language processing, speech processing, and information retrieval.

MC2 Graduate Student Daniel Votipka Awarded Google-Student Veterans of America Scholarship

Jun 27, 2018 - He previously worked with the NSA while serving as an Air Force Captain.

Daumé and Rao win Best Long Paper Award at ACL 2018

Jun 21, 2018 - They will present their research on neural networks and clarification questions at a conference in Melbourne, Australia.

JaJa Named Interim Chair of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Jun 19, 2018 - Former UMIACS Director Joseph JaJa will lead the department.

Undergraduates Integrate Timeless Art with New Technologies

Jun 18, 2018 - Students' Augmentarium research in the will be incorporated into the Phillips Collection.

Three Graduating MC2 Students Accept Tenure-Track Faculty Positions

Jun 18, 2018 - All three will take year-long post doctoral positions before starting their academic appointments in three separate states.

People Recall Information Better Through Virtual Reality, Says New UMD Study

Jun 13, 2018 - It's one of the first in-depth of analyses of its kind.

Technical Workshop Honors Chellappa’s 65th Birthday and Academic Contributions

Jun 13, 2018 - The workshop reunited Chellappa with dozens of his former students.

Rance Cleaveland Named Director of NSF Division of Computing and Communication Foundations

Jun 12, 2018 - He will serve in the position for three years.

UMD Study Validates Face Recognition Experts, But Shows Humans Perform Best with an AI Partner

Jun 11, 2018 - The study found that the computer algorithms are comparable to the skills of forensic experts.
