News & Announcements

UMD Researchers Devise Novel Framework to Advance Quantum Error Correction

May 23, 2024 - They are developing a new concept built on quantum spherical codes that could make the notoriously fragile information in a photon-based quantum computer less susceptible to errors.

Miers Receives Test of Time Award at IEEE Security Symposium

May 22, 2024 - He was recognized for his pioneering work involving the security of blockchain transactions.

Merchan’s Passion for Family and Sports Carries Over to Workplace

May 14, 2024 - The UMIACS business manager sought employment closer to home so he could spend more time with family and less time commuting.

Furong Huang Part of New Federal Initiative to Advance AI

May 13, 2024 - She is part of a new federal initiative that provides powerful computing resources to researchers focused on innovative research and scholarship involving AI.

Gorshkov, Gullans Part of Team Honored With Invention of the Year

May 10, 2024 - The researchers are part of a team that won the quantum category at the university’s Invention of the Year Awards for developing a new method to count particles of light—known as photons—without destroying them.

UMIACS Researchers Discuss How AI Will Change the Way We Live

May 10, 2024 - Five UMIACS faculty members were interviewed for a podcast series on how AI will impact education, work, culture and creativity.

Bhatele Receives University of Illinois Early Career Alumni Award

May 09, 2024 - The associate professor of computer science has been recognized by his alma mater for his strong promise toward long standing contributions to computer science education and research.

UMD Researcher to Advance AI Using Powerful Federal Computing Resources

May 06, 2024 - Abhinav Shrivastava will use the Summit supercomputer at Oak Ridge National Laboratory for a project designed to improve AI-based visual recognition models.

Using Machine Learning to Develop a More Effective Malaria Vaccine

May 01, 2024 - The researchers are using a novel approach called reverse vaccinology, employing powerful bioinformatic tools and reverse pharmacology practices to better understand the genetic makeup of parasites that cause malaria.

Goldstein Leads Team to Invention of the Year Honors

Apr 30, 2024 - Their technology, called Binoculars, can detect text generated by large language models at an almost 90% success rate.
