Assignment 3 for Ling 889D, Spring 1998
Assignment 3 (2-3pp.)

Consider the verbs we discussed in the first class (sleep, fit, cost,
eat, cut).  Levin's book (in the class folder in the office) discusses
(among others) some syntactically relevant properties of the classes
to which these verbs belong.  (Numbers from 1-8 refer to alternation
sections in the book, and numbers above 9 to verb classes.)  We
discussed several of these properties in class.  Take two more (or
take a single class of verbs with its properties) and discuss how an
aspects-like framework might treat these properties, as well as
(dis)advantages thereof.  For class discussion next time, think on how
a minimalist framework might handle those properties.

[40.4]: Snooze Verbs (catnap doze drowse nap sleep slumber snooze)
 7.1 Does not take cognate object
	*Brian catnapped a blissful catnap
	(except sleep, as in Sarah slept a blissful sleep) (cf. Does not allow causative
	My daughter slept/*I slept my daughter 
 Animate subject

[54.3]: Fit Verbs (carry contain fit feed hold house seat serve sleep
store take use)
 3.6 Subject can be a location
	This car fits five people and their stuff.
 5.1 Does not allow passive
	*Five people were fit (by this room)
[54.2]: Cost Verbs (carry cost last take) (cf. Does not allow causative
	This ad cost one dollar/*I cost(=priced) this ad one dollar
 5.1 Does not allow passive
	*One dollar was cost by this ad
 Money (or value) object

[39.1]: Eat Verbs (drink eat)
 1.2.1 Allows unspecified object
	I ate (something)
 1.2.7 (cf. 7.4) Allows "way" object
	I ate my way through the holidays
 7.5 Allows a resultative complement
	I ate myself sick
 1.3 Allows the conative
	I ate at the dessert
 3.3 Does not allow instrument subject
	I ate the dessert with a fork/*The fork ate the dessert
	(cf. The hammer pounded the nail)

[21.1]: Cut Verbs (chip clip cut hack hew saw scrape scratch slash snip)
 1.1.1 Allows the middle
	I cut the bread/The bread cuts easily.	
 1.2.7 (cf. 7.4) Allows "way" object 
	Livingstone hacked his way through the underbrush
 1.3 Conative
	I cut at the bread.
 7.5 Allows a resultative complement
	I cut the bread to crumbs (cf. Allows causative, not inchoative
	*The bread cut/I cut the bread.
 1.2.3 Does not allow understood reflexive object
	I cut myself/I cut (=something else)
	(cf.  Jill dressed herself/Jill dressed)