Schedule of Topics

This is the schedule of topics for Computational Linguistics II, Spring 2020.

In addition, some topic areas may take longer than expected, so keep an eye on the online class discussions for "official" dates.

In readings, "M&S" refers to Christopher D. Manning and Hinrich Schuetze, Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing; see textbook info on the main course page. The "other" column has optional links pointing either to material you should already know (but might want to review), or to related material you might be interested in. Make sure to do your reading before the class where it is listed!

See CL Colloquium Talks for possible extra credit each week.

Class Topic
Readings* Assignments Other
Jan 29 Course organization, semester plan; CL, NLP, DL, AI, and Other Acronymic Topics
M&S Ch 1, 2.1.[1-9] (for review)
Assignment 1

Language Log (the linguistics blog); Hal Daumé's NLP blog (excellent blog, often technical machine learning stuff, but just as often more general interest, make sure to read the comment threads also because they're often excellent)
Feb 5 Lexical association measures and hypothesis testing
M&S Ch 5
Assignment 2

Dunning (1993) is a classic and valuable to read if you're trying to use mutual information or chi-squared and getting inflated values for low-frequency observations. Moore (2004) is a less widely cited but very valuable discussion about how to judge the significance of rare events.

A really important paper by Ionnidis about problems with statistical hypothesis testing is Why Most Published Research Findings Are False; for a very readable discussion see Trouble at the Lab, The Economist, Oct 19, 2013 and the really great accompanying video. (Show that one to your friends and family!) For an interesting response, see Most Published Research Findings Are False--But a Little Replication Goes a Long Way.

Kilgarriff (2005) is a fun and contrarian read regarding the use of hypothesis testing methodology specifically in language research.

Named entities represent another form of lexical association. Named entity recognition is introduced in Jurafsky and Martin, Ch 22 and Ch 7 of the NLTK book.

Feb 12 Information theory
M&S Ch 2.2, M&S Ch 6

Piantadosi et al. (2011), Word lengths are optimized for efficient communication

Assignment 3 Cover and Thomas (1991) is a great, highly readable introduction to information theory. The first few chapters go into many concepts from this lecture with greater rigor but a lot of clarity.

Some other interesting work on proposed information theoretic explanations of (or at least connections to) to how language works: Jaeger (2010), Redundancy and reduction: Speakers manage syntactic information density; Maurits et al. (2010), Why are some word orders more common than others? A uniform information density account; Han, Jurafsky, and Futrell (2020), Universals of word order reflect optimization of grammars for efficient communication. Although it's a bit older, also see the syllabus for a 2009 seminar taught by Dan Jurafsky and Michael Ramscar, Information-Theoretic Models of Language and Cognition, which looks as if it was awesome.

Roger Levy provides a formal proof that uniform information density minimizes the "difficulty" of interpreting utterances. The proof assumes that, for any given word i in an utterance, the difficulty of processing it is some power k of its surprisal with k > 1.

Feb 19 HMMs and Expectation Maximization
Skim M&S Ch 9-10, Chapter 6 of Lin and Dyer. Read my EM recipe discussion.
Assignment 4 Recommended reading (and code to look at!): Dirk Hovy's Interactive tutorial on the Forward-Backward Expectation Maximization algorithm. Note that although his iPython notebook is designed to be interactive, you can also simply read it.
Feb 26 Constituency representations and context-free parsing Read Shieber et al., Principles and Implementation of Deductive Parsing (Sections 1-3); Look at M&S Ch 11 (esp. pp. 381-394), M&S Ch 12 (esp. pp. 408-423). Assignment 5 Also of interest: Joshua Goodman, Semiring Parsing; Resnik, P., 1992, August. Left-corner parsing and psychological plausibility
Mar 4 More on parsing and structure prediction Optional: look over Smith's (2011) downloadable book, Linguistic Structure Prediction, Chapter 2 (Decoding), especially Sections 2.1, 2.2.{3,4,5}, 2.3.{2,4}. (Don't spend tons of time on reading this.) Instead of an assignment this week, read: Hale, John, "A probabilistic Earley parser as a psycholinguistic model". In Proceedings of the second meeting of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics on Language technologies, pp. 1-8. Association for Computational Linguistics, 2001. See Smith (2011), Linguistic Structure Prediction, Chapter 1, for a survey of language structure prediction problems.
Mar 11 Bayesian generative models and Gibbs sampling Read Philip Resnik and Eric Hardisty, Gibbs Sampling for the Uninitiated.
Assignment 6 (light assignment worth 50% of a regular homework) Recommended reading: Steyvers and T. Griffiths (2007), Latent Semantic Analysis: A Road to Meaning.

Mar 18 Spring Break
Stay safe and healthy, and hopefully manage to have some fun...
March 25 Classes were cancelled the week of March 23.
April 1 Topic modeling; Evaluation in NLP For topic modeling, watch Jordan Boyd-Graber's 2013 CL1 topic modeling lecture (20 minutes, slides/notes available here.
For evaluation, Philip Resnik and Jimmy Lin, Evaluation of NLP Systems.
Take-home midterm handed out.
April 8 Guest lecture: Shohini Bhattasali on computational neurolinguistics No required readings Form project teams
April 15 Deep learning and language structure

Gulordava et al., Colorless green recurrent networks dream hierarchically; Goldberg, Assessing BERT’s Syntactic Abilities. Construct a project plan
April 22 More on deep learning and structure; multilingual issues
Optional background: Fyshe, A. et al., A compositional and interpretable semantic space.
Faruqui, M. et al., Retrofitting Word Vectors to Semantic Lexicons
Work on project Useful high level view: Noah Smith, Contextual word representations: A contextual introduction
April 29 TBD Work on project
May 6 TBD Work on project