Assignment 4 solutions, Ling 645/CMSC 723, Fall 1997

Assignment 4 solutions, Ling 645/CMSC 723, Fall 1997

4.1.a  CKY table for "the chef liked the sushi in the restaurant"

    the          chef   liked     the   sushi    in       the   restaurant
     1            2       3        4      5       6        7       8
 1 { DET }      { N }   { V }   { DET } { N }   { P }   { DET }  { N }
 2 { NP }       { }     { }     { NP }  { }     { }     { NP }
 3 { }          { }     { VP }  { }     { }     { PP }
 4 { }          { }     { }     { }     { }
 5 { S }        { }     { }     { NP }
 6 { }          { }     { VP }
 7 { }          { }
 8 { S }

4.1.b  Chart (on-paper solution in Ling 645 folder, 1401 Marie Mount Hall)

4.2.a START () shift [DET,()] the LC-predict [NP,(N)] chef shift [N,()][NP,(N)] liked combine [NP,()] liked LC-predict [S,(VP)] liked shift [V,()][S,(VP)] the LC-predict [VP,(NP)][S,(VP)] the shift [DET,()][VP,(NP)][S,(VP)] sushi LC-predict [NP,(N)][VP,(NP)][S,(VP)] sushi shift [N,()][NP,(N)][VP,(NP)][S,(VP)] in combine [NP,()][VP,(NP)][S,(VP)] in *LC-predict [NP,(PP)][VP,(NP)][S,(VP)] in shift [P,()][NP,(PP)][VP,(NP)][S,(VP)] the LC-predict [PP,(NP)][NP,(PP)][VP,(NP)][S,(VP)] the shift [DET,()][PP,(NP)][NP,(PP)][VP,(NP)][S,(VP)] restaurant LC-predict [NP,(N)][PP,(NP)][NP,(PP)][VP,(NP)][S,(VP)] restaurant shift [N,()][NP,(N)][PP,(NP)][NP,(PP)][VP,(NP)][S,(VP)] (empty) combine [NP,()][PP,(NP)][NP,(PP)][VP,(NP)][S,(VP)] (empty) combine [PP,(NP)][NP,(PP)][VP,(NP)][S,(VP)] (empty) combine [NP,()][VP,(NP)][S,(VP)] (empty) combine [VP,()][S,(VP)] (empty) combine [S,()] (empty) ACCEPT (*The starred configuration is the one where you would branch off if you wanted the parse where PP is adjoined to the VP. Instead of LC-prediction, you'd do a combine of the incomplete VP with the completed NP, and then do left-corner prediction to get [VP,(PP)].) 4.2.b _________S___ | ______VP___ | | ____NP__ | | | _PP_ | | | | | __NP__ | __NP__ | __NP__ | | | | | | | | DET N V DET N P DET N | | | | | | | | the chef liked the sushi in the restaurant 4.2.c The depth of the stack is related to the number of incomplete constituents being worked on, and because the parser is essentially bottom-up, constituents are incomplete until their RIGHTMOST sub-constituent is completed. For example, the S is incomplete until the VP is completed, the VP is incomplete until the NP is completed, etc. So the maximum depth of the stack is going to correspond to the maximum length of such a chain of incomplete rightmost constituents -- in this case that's S-VP-NP-PP-NP-N, which is 6. Incidentally, a structure is called RIGHT BRANCHING, when the remaining material in the string is covered by the rightmost child. So the parse tree above is essentially right branching. 4.3.a S0 (Initialization): (Start -> * S, NIL, 0) - initial (S -> * NP VP, 0, 0) - pred (NP -> * DET N, 0, 0) - pred (NP -> * NP PP, 0, 0) - pred S1: Word - The (NP -> DET * N, 0, 1) - scan S2: Word - chef (NP -> DET N *, 0, 2) - scan (S -> NP * VP, 0, 2) - complete (NP -> NP * PP, 0, 2) - complete (VP -> * V NP, 2, 2) - predict (VP -> * VP PP, 2, 2) - predict (PP -> * P NP, 2, 2) - predict S3: Word - liked (VP -> V * NP, 2, 3) - scan (NP -> * DET N, 3, 3) - pred (NP -> * NP PP, 3, 3) - pred S4: Word - the (NP -> DET * N, 3, 4) - scan S5: Word - sushi (NP -> DET N *, 3, 5) - scan (VP -> V NP *, 2, 5) - complete (NP -> NP * PP, 3, 5) - complete (S -> NP VP *, 0, 5) - complete (VP -> VP * PP, 2, 5) - complete (PP -> * P NP 5, 5) - predict (Start -> S *, nil, 5) - complete S6: Word - in (PP -> P * NP, 5, 6) - scan (NP -> * DET N, 6, 6) - predict (NP -> * NP PP, 6, 6) - predict S7: Word - the (NP -> DET * N, 6, 7) - scan S8: Word - restaurant (NP -> DET N *, 6, 8) - scan (PP -> P NP *, 5, 8) - complete (NP -> NP * PP, 6, 8) - complete (VP -> VP PP *, 2, 8) - complete (NP -> NP PP *, 3, 8) - complete (PP -> * P NP, 8, 8) - predict (S -> NP VP *, 0, 8) - complete (VP -> VP * PP, 2, 8) - complete (VP -> V NP *, 2, 8) - complete (NP -> NP * PP, 3, 8) - complete (Start -> S *, NIL, 8) - complete 4.3.b (i) There are lots of sentences that the grammar would accept incorrectly, involving either an empty NP where none is allowed (e.g. "liked the sushi") or a non-empty NP in an improper context (e.g. "the chef that the customer liked the restaurant hated the sushi"). (ii) The algorithm as written can handle empty strings. Suppose N -> epsilon is a rule of the grammar. When you do "predict" on [A -> alpha . N beta, k, i] you will introduce [N -> . epsilon, i, i] But since epsilon is the empty string, this is equivalent to [N -> epsilon . , i, i] So the "complete" operation can combine [A -> alpha . N beta, k, i] [N -> epsilon . , i, i] to get [A -> alpha N . beta, k, i] High partial credit will be assigned to answers that say the algorithm does need to be changed, if a reasonable change is given. For example, it would be reasonable to suggest adding an extra operation that takes [A -> alpha . N beta, k, i] in S_i to [A -> alpha N . beta, k, i] in S_i when N -> epsilon. 4.4.a The conjunction test suggests that "I dislike" and "Warren enjoys" are constituents, but the standard view of English grammar does not permit a constituent that contains the subject and verb but not the verb's object. Similarly for ditransitive constructions: the standard view of grammar does not group the direct and indirect object into a single constituent not containing the verb. Other alternatives involve, say, movement and/or deletion, e.g. deriving The chef served Edgar sushi and Edna jambalaya from The chef [VP served Edgar sushi] and [VP served Edna jambalaya] by deleting the verb from the second VP. But grammars of the kind we've considered so far do not permit a deletion operation; it's outside the capabilities of the formalism. And if you included a rule to allowed VPs to omit the verb, you would erroneously accept The chef Edgar sushi and served Edna jambalaya unless you somehow conditioned the deletion on the context (e.g. only allowed deletion in the second and subsequent clauses), which is also not within the scope of context-free grammars. 4.4.b The dependencies are: the mouse[1] that the cat[2] that the dog chased[2] bit[1] died where a noun-verb pair with the same number indicates a verb-object relationship. You could also have the mouse[1] that the cat[2] that the dog[3] chased[3] bit[2] died[1] where a numbered pair indicates a verb-subject relationship. For the other sentence, the dependencies could be either of: Verb-object: John saw[1] the dog[1] that chased[2] the cat[2] that bit[3] the mouse[3] that died. Verb-subject: John[1] saw[1] the dog[2] that chased[2] the cat[3] that bit[3] the mouse[4] that died[4]. Assuming the human sentence processor was something like the bottom-up or left-corner stack based parsers we've discussed in class, processing the first sentence requires storing an incomplete noun on the stack while all the intervening material is processed, until you get to the verb it belongs with. On the other hand, in the second sentence there is only a small, fixed amount of material intervening in between the noun and the verb it belongs with.

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