Connecting to the Cluster
The only direct access to the cluster is through
the submit node, brood00.umiacs.umd.edu. The only
means to access this node is through
SSH. If you're
accessing the cluster from a UMIACS or CS
workstation, then you already have SSH
Indirectly, jobs might get run on the cluster
if they are submitted through Condor. Our
Condor pool includes
some other computational clusters, and many
workstations as well(bug cluster currently is not included in condor). If you do not have a
need to run parallel jobs on the hive cluster,
then the preferred means for accessing the
cluster is through Condor. You do not need an
account on the Hive cluster, in this case --
just an account on a host where you can submit
Condor jobs (such as the openlab
Getting an Account
If you need to run parallel jobs on the
Hive cluster, you need an account there. To
get one, go to our
account request form. In the "PI's
email:" field you should put down the
Primary Investigator that you are associated
with, or your advisor. In the
"Comment:" field you should indicate
that you need a hive cluster account. This
will get you an account in our OpenLab, which
includes generic UMIACS resources, as well as
the Hive cluster.