Kinect+SR4000 Complex Activity Dataset
16 sequences are available for download. The description of the sequences and details on how the dataset is collected can be found in this README. A sample video that introduces the sequence can be downloaded here.
Each sequence contains tar-gzipped information from 2 cameras:
Kinect that contains the .oni file which encodes the RGB-Depth image using the PrimeSense OpenNI format. For instructions on how to access and playback .oni files, please download the OpenNI SDK, compile the example codes. SimpleViewer is the program that allows you to access and playback .oni files.
SR4000 that contains Pointcloud Library .pcd files. Each file encodes the X,Y,Z,intensity and confidence values for each pixel for every frame in ASCII format. Please follow this tutorial on how to read in PCD files and to process them correctly.
Source code that reads in the Kinect and SR4000 data automatically will be available soon on this site as well.
Mar 28, 2012: 5 sequences (marked with *) are currently available, more will be uploaded soon.
12_51_42: Kinect, SR4000
13_02_30: Kinect, SR4000
13_06_20: Kinect, SR4000
13_11_51: Kinect, SR4000
13_17_48: Kinect, SR4000
13_23_31(*): Kinect, SR4000
13_28_47: Kinect, SR4000
13_32_10(*): Kinect, SR4000
13_49_12(*): Kinect, SR4000
13_58_47(*): Kinect, SR4000
14_05_10: Kinect, SR4000
14_19_22: Kinect, SR4000
14_22_09(*): Kinect, SR4000
14_25_02: Kinect, SR4000
14_27_24: Kinect, SR4000
14_32_18: Kinect, SR4000
Questions? Please contact cteo "at" umd dot edu