Consider the problem of sorting n elements equally distributed
amongst p processors, where we assume without loss of generality that p
divides n evenly. The idea behind sample sort is to find a set of
p - 1 splitters to partition the n input elements
into p groups indexed from 1 up to p such that every element
in the group is less than or equal to each of the elements in
group, for
. Then the task of
sorting each of the p groups
can be turned over to the correspondingly indexed processor, after which
the n elements will be arranged in sorted order. The
efficiency of this algorithm obviously depends on how evenly we divide the
input, and this in turn depends on how well we choose the splitters.
One way to choose the splitters is by randomly sampling the input elements
at each processor - hence the name sample sort.
Previous versions of sample sort
[21, 10, 17, 15] have
randomly chosen s samples from the elements at each
processor, routed these ps samples to a single processor, sorted them at that processor,
and then selected every
element as a splitter. Each processor
then performs a binary search on these splitters for each of its input
values and then uses the results to route the values to the appropriate
destination, after which
local sorting is done to complete the sorting process.
The first difficulty with this approach
is the work involved in gathering and sorting the samples. A larger
value of s results in better load balancing, but it also increases the
overhead. The second difficulty is that no matter how the routing is
scheduled, there exist inputs that give rise to large variations in
the number of elements
destined for different processors, and this in turn results in an inefficient
use of the
communication bandwidth. Moreover, such an irregular communication scheme
cannot take advantage of the regular communication primitives proposed
under the MPI standard [26].
The final difficulty with the original approach is that duplicate values
are accommodated by tagging each item with a unique value
[10]. This, of course, doubles the cost of both memory access
and interprocessor communication.
In our solution, we incur no overhead in obtaining
samples from each processor and in sorting these samples to identify
the splitters. Because of this very high oversampling, we are
able to replace the irregular routing with exactly two calls to
our transpose primitive, and, in addition, we are able to efficiently
accommodate the presence of duplicates without resorting to tagging.
The pseudocode for our algorithm is as follows:
We can establish the complexity of this algorithm with high probability -
that is with probability for some positive
. But before doing this, we need to establish
the results of the following lemmas.
Lemma 1: At the completion of Step (1), the number of
elements in each bucket is at most with high
probability, for any
Proof: The probability that exactly
elements are placed in a particular bucket in Step (1) is given by
the binomial distribution
where ,
, and
Using the following Chernoff bound [12] for estimating the tail of a
binomial distribution
the probability that a particular bucket will contain at least
elements can be bounded by
Hence, the probability that any
of the buckets contains at least
elements can be
bounded by
and Lemma 1 follows.
Lemma 2: At the completion of Step (2), the total number of
elements received by processor , which comprise the set of
samples from which the splitters are chosen,
is at most
with high probability, for any
Proof: The probability that processor receives exactly
elements is given by the binomial distribution
. Using the Chernoff bound for
estimating the tail of a binomial distribution, the probability that
receives at least
elements can be
bounded by
and Lemma 2 follows.
Lemma 3: For each , where
, let
be respectively the sets of input elements and samples
that are both equal in value to
, and let
. Then, with high
probability, no
will contain more than
elements, where
Proof: The set of input elements =
can have more than
members only if
or less
members are selected to be samples from the set
, which is the
set composed of the first
members in
However, since each element of
is independently chosen to be
a sample with probability
, the probability of this event
occurring is given by
Using the following ``Chernoff'' type bound [18] for estimating the head of a binomial distribution
where ,
, it follows that the probability that a set
among the p sets of input elements has more than
is bounded by
Using the fact that , it is easy to show
that the above sum can be bounded by
, for some
The bound of Lemma 3 will also hold if we include the subsets of elements and samples whose values fall strictly between two consecutive splitters.
Lemma 4: At the completion of Step (7), the number of
elements received by each processor is at most
with high probability, for any
without duplicates) and
Let Q be the set of input elements to be sorted by our algorithm, let R
be the set of samples of Step (4) at processor with
, and and let S be the subset of R
associated with
which we define to be the samples in R with indices
inclusively. Let
be respectively the number of elements in Q, R,
and S with value equal to
, let
, and
be respectively the number of
elements in Q, R, and S with values greater than
but less than
and let
, and
be respectively the number of elements in Q, R, and S
with value equal to
According to Step (6) of our algorithm, processor will
elements. To compute the upper bound on this
expression, we first use Lemma 3 to bound each
giving us
Rearranging this expression, we get:
Clearly, this expression is maximized for and
Substituting these values and rearranging once again, we get:
Since , this expression is maximized for
Since Lemma 2 guarantees that with
high probability
, Lemma 4 follows with high probability
. Alternatively, if there are no duplicates,
we can show that the bound follows with high probability for
Lemma 5: If the set of input elements is arbitrarily partitioned into at most
2p subsets, each of size
, with high probability
at the conclusion of Step (2) no processor will receive more than
from any particular subset, for
Proof: The probability that exactly elements are sent to
a particular processor by the conclusion of Step (2) is given by the binomial
. Using the Chernoff bound
for estimating the tail of a binomial distribution, the probability that from M possible subsets
any processor will receive at least
elements can be bounded by
and Lemma 5 follows for .
Lemma 6: The number of elements exchanged by any two
processors in Step (7) is at most with high
probability, for any
without duplicates)
Let U be the set of input elements to be sorted by our algorithm, let V
be the set of elements held by intermediate processor after Step (2),
and let W be the set of elements held by destination processor
after Step (7).
be respectively the number of elements in U, V, and W
with values equal to
, let
, and
be respectively the number of elements
in U, V, and W with values greater than
but less than
and let
be respectively the number of elements in U, V, and W
with values equal to
According to Step (6) of our algorithm, intermediate processor
will send
elements to processor . To compute the upper bound
on this expression,
we first use Lemma 5 to bound each
, giving us:
Notice that since destination processor receives respectively
of the elements at each
intermediate processor with values equal to
, it follows that
. Hence, we can rewrite the
expression above as
Rearranging this expression, we get:
Clearly, this expression is maximized for and
Substituting these values and rearranging, we get:
Since , this expression is maximized for
Since Lemma 4 guarantees that with high probability
, Lemma 6 follows with high
probability for
. Alternatively, if there are no duplicates,
we can show that the bound follows with high probability for
With these bounds on the values of ,
, and
, the
analysis of our sample sort algorithm is as follows. Steps (1),
(3), (4), (6), and (8) involve no communication
and are dominated by the cost of the sequential sorting in Step (3)
and the merging in Step (8).
Sorting integers using radix sort requires
whereas sorting floating point numbers using merge sort requires
Step (8) requires
time if we merge the sorted
subsequences in a binary tree fashion.
Steps (2),
(5), and (7) call the communication primitives transpose,
bcast, and transpose, respectively. The analysis of these
primitives in [6] shows that with high probability these
three steps require
, and
, respectively.
Hence, with high probability, the overall complexity of our sample sort
algorithm is given (for floating point numbers) by
for .
Clearly, our algorithm is asymptotically optimal with very small coefficients. But a theoretical comparison of our running time with previous sorting algorithms is difficult, since there is no consensus on how to model the cost of the irregular communication used by the most efficient algorithms. Hence, it is very important to perform an empirical evaluation of an algorithm using a wide variety of benchmarks, as we will do next.