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Image (Data) Layout and Test Images


A straightforward data layout is used in these algorithms for all platforms. The input image is an matrix of integers. We assign tiles of the image as equally as possible among the processors. If p is an even power of two, i.e. , for even d, the processors will be arranged in a logical grid. For future reference, we will denote the number of rows in this logical grid as v and the number of columns as w. For odd d, we assign the number of rows of the logical processor grid to be , and the number of columns to be . Each processor initially owns a tile of size . For future reference, we assign and . We assume that the p processors are labeled consecutively from 0 to p-1 and are assigned in row-major order to the logical processor grid just described.

Our test images shown in Appendix A are divided into two categories, artificial and real. The artificial images, given in Figures 6 and 7, range in size from to pixels. We use Landsat satellite data to represent real images; Figure 8 is from band 5 of a South American scene, and Figure 9 is band 4 taken from a view of New Orleans. Both of these images are 256 grey level, pixel arrays from single bands of the Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) satellite data.

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David A. Bader